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General practice nurses' experiences of participation in an advanced nursing practice education programme

Mundy, Jill; Pow, Janette


Jill Mundy


In the UK, transformation of the nursing workforce, including development of the role of the advanced nurse practitioner within general practice, is essential to meet healthcare demands. This article presents the results of a small, qualitative study conducted among students at one university in Scotland, describing their experiences of participation in advanced practice education. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to generate in-depth descriptions and to identify the facilitators and barriers to learning. The study identified that a shared responsibility for patient care creates opportunities for learning. The facilitators to learning were identified as foundation level education in history taking and clinical examination, finance, having a supportive network and mentorship. Barriers included pressure of work and a lack of clarity about roles and training needs. Given the key role that these nurses will have in future healthcare models, there is a requirement for a national education standard. It is recommended that the Nursing and Midwifery Council leads on defining advanced nurse practitioner in general practice programme learning outcomes. The overall aim of such courses is to enhance the experience for future nurses to encourage recruitment and transform the nursing workforce.


Mundy, J., & Pow, J. (2021). General practice nurses' experiences of participation in an advanced nursing practice education programme. British Journal of Nursing, 30(16), 964-969.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 1, 2021
Online Publication Date Sep 11, 2021
Publication Date Sep 9, 2021
Deposit Date Feb 21, 2022
Journal British Journal of Nursing
Print ISSN 0966-0461
Publisher Mark Allen Healthcare
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 30
Issue 16
Pages 964-969
Keywords Advanced practice education, General practice nursing, Advanced nursing practice
Public URL