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Performance study on mounting system for displacement transducer in mechanical tests of timber samples using photogrammetry method

Mohamed, Ahmed; Zhang, Hexin; Deng, Yu; Lehmann, Martin; Sigrist, Chistophe; Uheida, Kal; Zheng, Yu; Bahadori-Jahromi, Ali; Shahidan, Shahiron; Caudoux, Remi


Yu Deng

Martin Lehmann

Chistophe Sigrist

Kal Uheida

Yu Zheng

Ali Bahadori-Jahromi

Shahiron Shahidan

Remi Caudoux


This paper presents a unique study to reveal the effect of the mounting system of the linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) on the mechanical property tests of timber materials. This effect has been overlooked in the past but proven to be significant enough that will distort the measurements completely if the displacement is relatively small. The reason for causing this error is because the LVDT is not directly measuring targeting points on a sample, instead, the LVDT is measuring the distance between one point on the stop-end (where the tip rested on) and the holder. The wrong common sense hopes that this point on the stop-end and holder reliably following the movement of the sample points. But this study reveals that it is not always the case with the aid from the photogrammetry method. The messages of this paper are simple but alertly useful and, important: (1) the mounting system and the method of installation of the LVDTs have a significant impact on the actual displacement measurement in a mechanical properties test of timber materials. It should be carefully designed and validated before the actual test; (2) the displacement distribution is not uniform across the timber sample. This should be taken into account when selecting the mounting points of the LVDTs. Testing standards should consider this effect when recommending displacement transducers to be used in a timber-related test.


Mohamed, A., Zhang, H., Deng, Y., Lehmann, M., Sigrist, C., Uheida, K., Zheng, Y., Bahadori-Jahromi, A., Shahidan, S., & Caudoux, R. (2022). Performance study on mounting system for displacement transducer in mechanical tests of timber samples using photogrammetry method. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 17(6), 937-953.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 5, 2021
Online Publication Date Sep 22, 2021
Publication Date 2022
Deposit Date Sep 5, 2021
Publicly Available Date Sep 22, 2021
Journal Wood Material Science & Engineering
Print ISSN 1748-0272
Electronic ISSN 1748-0280
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Issue 6
Pages 937-953
Keywords mounting system of displacement transducer, mechanical test of timber samples, LVDT for timber test, photogrammetry method
Public URL


Performance study on mounting system for displacement transducer in mechanical tests of timber samples using photogrammetry method (6.4 Mb)

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