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Novel Twin-Screw Stirling Cycle Machine for Cryogenic and Refrigeration Applications

Mahkamov, Khamid; Makhkamova, Irina; Kahwash, Fadi


Khamid Mahkamov

Irina Makhkamova


This paper describes design and principles of operation of a novel rotary type Stirling cycle machines based on rotary positive displacement mechanisms such as twin-screw, gate rotor screw, scroll, and conical screw compressors and expanders. When these mechanisms are used as separate expanding or compressing machines, the flow of the gas is one-directional with volumes of chambers varying in accordance with a saw-tooth type function. The proposed design solution combines at least two units of gas-coupled compressor and expander arrangements with a required shift in the shaft angle. Every unit has a series of gas channels for timing the connection of its compressor and expander parts. Units are connected to each other via a set of heat exchangers, which are conventional for Stirling cycle machines: recuperative cooling and warm heat exchangers with a regenerator, built between them. The operational capability is demonstrated using three-dimensional CFD simulations. Computational results demonstrate reciprocating flow of the gas between units, as in conventional Stirling machines, and functioning of the proposed design as a multi-cylinder, double acting Stirling machine. The suggested design makes it possible to achieve full dynamic balancing, especially in the case of twin-screw and gate rotor mechanisms, due to the rotation of screws around their axes. It also eliminates a number of problems, which are specific to Stirling machines with reciprocating pistons and their kinematic drive mechanisms.


Mahkamov, K., Makhkamova, I., & Kahwash, F. (2018, November). Novel Twin-Screw Stirling Cycle Machine for Cryogenic and Refrigeration Applications. Presented at ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
Start Date Nov 9, 2018
End Date Nov 15, 2018
Acceptance Date Sep 30, 2018
Online Publication Date Jan 15, 2019
Publication Date Nov 9, 2018
Deposit Date Apr 26, 2021
Publisher American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Book Title ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
ISBN 9780791852071
Public URL