Fiona Hilton
Hyperspectral Earth observation from IASI: Five years of accomplishments
Hilton, Fiona; Armante, Raymond; August, Thomas; Barnet, Chris; Bouchard, Aurelie; Camy-Peyret, Claude; Capelle, Virginie; Clarisse, Lieven; Clerbaux, Cathy; Coheur, Pierre-Francois; Collard, Andrew; Crevoisier, Cyril; Dufour, Gaelle; Edwards, David; Faijan Nadia Fourri�, Francois; Gambacorta, Antonia; Goldberg, Mitchell; Guidard, Vincent; Hurtmans, Daniel; Illingworth, Samuel; Jacquinet-Husson, Nicole; Kerzenmacher, Tobias; Klaes, Dieter; Lavanant, Lydie; Masiello, Guido; Matricardi, Marco; McNally, Anthony; Newman, Stuart; Pavelin, Edward; Payan, Sebastien; P�quignot, Eric; Peyridieu, Sophie; Phulpin, Thierry; Remedios, John; Schl�ssel, Peter; Serio, Carmine; Strow, Larrabee; Stubenrauch, Claudia; Taylor, Jonathan; Tobin, David; Wolf, Walter; Zhou, Daniel
Raymond Armante
Thomas August
Chris Barnet
Aurelie Bouchard
Claude Camy-Peyret
Virginie Capelle
Lieven Clarisse
Cathy Clerbaux
Pierre-Francois Coheur
Andrew Collard
Cyril Crevoisier
Gaelle Dufour
David Edwards
Francois Faijan Nadia Fourri�
Antonia Gambacorta
Mitchell Goldberg
Vincent Guidard
Daniel Hurtmans
Prof Sam Illingworth
Nicole Jacquinet-Husson
Tobias Kerzenmacher
Dieter Klaes
Lydie Lavanant
Guido Masiello
Marco Matricardi
Anthony McNally
Stuart Newman
Edward Pavelin
Sebastien Payan
Eric P�quignot
Sophie Peyridieu
Thierry Phulpin
John Remedios
Peter Schl�ssel
Carmine Serio
Larrabee Strow
Claudia Stubenrauch
Jonathan Taylor
David Tobin
Walter Wolf
Daniel Zhou
The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) forms the main infrared sounding component of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites's (EUMETSAT's) Meteorological Operation (MetOp)-A satellite (Klaes et al. 2007), which was launched in October 2006. This article presents the results of the first 4 yr of the operational IASI mission. The performance of the instrument is shown to be exceptional in terms of calibration and stability. The quality of the data has allowed the rapid use of the observations in operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) and the development of new products for atmospheric chemistry and climate studies, some of which were unexpected before launch. The assimilation of IASI observations in NWP models provides a significant forecast impact; in most cases the impact has been shown to be at least as large as for any previous instrument. In atmospheric chemistry, global distributions of gases, such as ozone and carbon monoxide, can be produced in near–real time, and short-lived species, such as ammonia or methanol, can be mapped, allowing the identification of new sources. The data have also shown the ability to track the location and chemistry of gaseous plumes and particles associated with volcanic eruptions and fires, providing valuable data for air quality monitoring and aircraft safety. IASI also contributes to the establishment of robust long-term data records of several essential climate variables. The suite of products being developed from IASI continues to expand as the data are investigated, and further impacts are expected from increased use of the data in NWP and climate studies in the coming years. The instrument has set a high standard for future operational hyperspectral infrared sounders and has demonstrated that such instruments have a vital role in the global observing system.
Hilton, F., Armante, R., August, T., Barnet, C., Bouchard, A., Camy-Peyret, C., Capelle, V., Clarisse, L., Clerbaux, C., Coheur, P.-F., Collard, A., Crevoisier, C., Dufour, G., Edwards, D., Faijan Nadia Fourrié, F., Gambacorta, A., Goldberg, M., Guidard, V., Hurtmans, D., Illingworth, S., …Zhou, D. (2012). Hyperspectral Earth observation from IASI: Five years of accomplishments. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93(3), 347-370.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Online Publication Date | Mar 1, 2012 |
Publication Date | 2012-03 |
Deposit Date | Feb 15, 2021 |
Journal | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society |
Publisher | American Meteorological Society |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 93 |
Issue | 3 |
Pages | 347-370 |
DOI | |
Public URL | |
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