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Laying the foundations: the use of video footage to explore pedestrian dynamics in PEDFLOW

Willis, Alexandra; Kukla, Robert; Kerridge, Jon; Hine, Julian


Alexandra Willis

Jon Kerridge

Julian Hine


Michael Schreckenberg

Som Sharma


This paper is concerned with how video footage of pedestrian activity in various urban environments can be used to inform the development of PEDFLOW - a microscopic, agent-based model of pedestrian flow that can be used to simulate the effects of an environmental change (e.g. widening a pavement) on how pedestrians negotiate urban space. The process can be summarized as follows: (1) video footage of pedestrians is digitized and calibrated according to real-world measurements of the filming area; (2) an interesting scenario is identified (e.g. two pedestrians approaching each other on a collision course) and all cases of this scenario selected from the video for analysis; (3) for each case, qualitative information (e.g. pedestrian group size, or final action) and quantitative data (e.g. walking speed, gap size) are recorded. For the latter, the frame-by-frame position of selected pedestrians is plotted using commercially-available image analysis software and related to key features of the environment (such as kerbs and obstacles); (4) statistical analyses are performed to extract patterns of behaviour which can be translated into algorithms that form the basis of the PEDFLOW model. In this way, the model can be developed according to realistic approximations of how pedestrians negotiate urban space.


Willis, A., Kukla, R., Kerridge, J., & Hine, J. (2002). Laying the foundations: the use of video footage to explore pedestrian dynamics in PEDFLOW. In M. Schreckenberg, & S. Sharma (Eds.), Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (181-186). Springer

Publication Date 2002
Deposit Date Jan 26, 2011
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 181-186
Book Title Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics
ISBN 3-540-42690-6
Keywords Pedflow; environmental change; urban space; image analysis software; negotiation;
Public URL