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Speeding behaviour and collision involvement in Scottish car drivers.

Stradling, Stephen G; Carreno, Michael; Ferguson, Neil; Rye, Tom


Stephen G Stradling

Michael Carreno

Neil Ferguson

Tom Rye


D A Hennessy

D L Wiesenthal


This chapter combines data sets from two recent studies of Scottish drivers, one conducted for the Scottish Executive and one for the Strathclyde Safety Camera Partnership. Both surveys involved in-home interviews with quota samples of drivers. Full details of sampling strategy and sample demographics are given in Stradling et al. (2003) and Campbell and Stradling (2003). Data from 1088 drivers from the first survey and 1101 from the second, who held a current driving license, had driven within the previous year and who cited ‘car’ as their main vehicle when driving are combined here to give a picture of the current speeding behaviors and collision involvement of Scottish car drivers. The chapter concludes with a suggestion for the remediation of speeding behaviors.


Stradling, S. G., Carreno, M., Ferguson, N., & Rye, T. (2005). Speeding behaviour and collision involvement in Scottish car drivers. In D. A. Hennessy, & D. L. Wiesenthal (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Road User Behavior and Traffic Safety (113-123). Nova Science Publishers

Publication Date 2005
Deposit Date Jun 20, 2008
Publicly Available Date Jun 20, 2008
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 113-123
Book Title Contemporary Issues in Road User Behavior and Traffic Safety
ISBN 1-59454-268-6
Keywords driver behavior; speed; collision; road traffic accident; Scottish; traffic safety; aggression; violoations;
Public URL
Contract Date Jun 20, 2008


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