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Scientific names are ambiguous as identifiers for biological taxa: their context and definition are required for accurate data integration

Kennedy, Jessie; Kukla, Robert; Paterson, Trevor


Trevor Paterson


Bertram Ludaescher

Louiqa Raschid


Biologists use scientific names to label the organisms described in
their data; however, these names are not unique identifiers for taxonomic entities.
Alternative taxonomic classifications may apply the same name, associated
with alternative definition or circumscription. Therefore, labelling data with scientific
names alone does not unambiguously distinguish alternative taxon
concepts. Accurate integration and comparison of biological data therefore requires
the resolution of taxon concepts as defined in alternative taxonomic classifications.
We have derived an abstract, inclusive model for the diverse
representations of taxonomic concepts used by taxonomists and in taxonomic
databases. This model has been implemented as a proposed standard XML
schema for the exchange and comparison of taxonomic concepts between data
providers and users. The representation and exchange of taxon definitions conformant
with this schema will facilitate the development of taxonomic
name/concept resolution services, allowing the meaningful integration and
comparison of biological datasets, with greater accuracy than on the basis of
name alone.


Kennedy, J., Kukla, R., & Paterson, T. (2005, July). Scientific names are ambiguous as identifiers for biological taxa: their context and definition are required for accurate data integration. Presented at Second International Workshop, DILS 2005, San Diego, CA, USA

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Second International Workshop, DILS 2005
Start Date Jul 20, 2005
End Date Jul 22, 2005
Publication Date 2005
Deposit Date Oct 27, 2009
Publicly Available Date May 16, 2017
Electronic ISSN 1611-3349
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3615
Pages 80-95
Book Title Data Integration in the Life Sciences
ISBN 3-540-27967-9
Keywords Biology; Scientific names; Taxonomy; Comparative taxonomic classification; XML data sharing schema; Taxonomic application;
Public URL
Contract Date May 16, 2017


Scientific names are ambiguous as identifiers for biological taxa: their context and definition are required for accurate data integration.pdf (243 Kb)

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