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Accessibility and transport.

Stradling, Stephen G; Carreno, Michael; Ferguson, Neil; Rye, Tom; Halden, D; Davidson, P; Anable, Jillian; Hope, S; Alder, B; Ryley, Timothy John; Wigan, Marcus


Stephen G Stradling

Michael Carreno

Neil Ferguson

Tom Rye

D Halden

P Davidson

Jillian Anable

S Hope

B Alder

Timothy John Ryley

Marcus Wigan


The Topic Report uses a number of multivariate statistical analyses to examine the inter-linking of person and household characteristics with travel availability measures looking at variations in the accessibility of transport and accessibility by transport in the light of current policy concern with social inclusion


Stradling, S. G., Carreno, M., Ferguson, N., Rye, T., Halden, D., Davidson, P., Anable, J., Hope, S., Alder, B., Ryley, T. J., & Wigan, M. Accessibility and transport

Working Paper Type Working Paper
Deposit Date Jun 20, 2008
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
ISBN 755927443
Keywords transport; availability; accessibility; statistical analysis; social inclusion;
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