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Domain 4: The Education Function.

Smart, Fiona



Rosemary Rogers


This chapter examines the role of the advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) within the domains of practice identified by the Royal College of Nursing (2002) as the teaching and coaching function. (Note that this is referred to by the NMC as the education function. It approaches the analysis against the backdrop of three policy documents: The Expert Patient: a new approach to chronic disease management for the 21st century(DoH 2001), Choosing Health: making healthy choices easier (DoH 2004), Our health, our care, our say (DoH 2006). It draws into the frame the experiences of ANP students as they work with patients, clients and carers, with the intention of enabling health and managing illness. It uses examples from a range of everyday practice setting to illustrate the inherent challenges of the teaching and coaching function of the ANP, at the same time as recognising its significance if patients, clients and carers are to be enabled to make choices that might optimize their well-being. Before this, however, some statistics are presented to focus thinking on why education is an invaluable component of advanced nursing practice.


Smart, F. (2008). Domain 4: The Education Function. In R. Rogers (Ed.), Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice (125-147). CRC Press.

Publication Date 2008
Deposit Date May 4, 2016
Publisher CRC Press
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Pages 125-147
Book Title Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice
ISBN 978-0-340-92768-7
Keywords Advanced Nurse Practitioner; nurse education; nurse teaching; enabling health; managing illness;
Public URL