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An examination of the role of sound in defining the city in the context of Edinburgh

Vettese-Forster, Samantha; Gowans, Scott; Case, Jed; Maciej, Koralia


Scott Gowans

Jed Case

Koralia Maciej


The surfeit of generic and place-specific sounds that exist in the urban environment contribute to what has been referred to as the soundscape. Within the built environment sound has the potential to create thresholds and acoustic territories that define and colour the experience and social functioning of inhabited spaces. In this research, a robust critical examination of the literature by prominent sound artists and theorists is used to illustrate how sound contributes to the urban experience. This is reinforced by primary research undertaken in the city of Edinburgh where the analysis and synthesis of these secondary sources is tested using bespoke soundworks to determine the ways in which sound contributes to our perception, reading and understanding of our physical environment. This research concludes by illustrating the potential for the future, technological development of the soundscape.


Vettese-Forster, S., Gowans, S., Case, J., & Maciej, K. (2014). An examination of the role of sound in defining the city in the context of Edinburgh. European Academic Research, 1, 3218-3247

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 9, 1999
Publication Date 2014-01
Deposit Date May 29, 2016
Publicly Available Date May 29, 2016
Print ISSN 2286-4822
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 1
Pages 3218-3247
Keywords Soundscape; Noise; Listening; Urban Environment; Design; Technology;
Public URL
Publisher URL


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