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Biography I am an educator and researcher with over 20 years experience working in academia and 10 years in full time academic study in the areas of art, design, management, fashion and textiles and education. My attention, reflected in everything whether it is leadership, research projects, working with industry, teaching or public engagement activities, is always around the philosophy that the ‘earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not any man’s greed’. (Mahatma Gandhi) My research is primarily the creation and use of sustainable, indigenous and recycled materials, ‘labours of love’ and ‘artisanal thinking’ and how these can be applied to enterprise and innovation. I pursue authentic behaviour, process and policy changes and the potential for commercial development as success rather that my research existing as a ‘theory’ without meaningful impact. In my teaching, management and leadership, I employ methods to enable sovereignty and individual, unique perspectives to be acknowledged. The successes I have experienced are with companies, institutions and individuals who have recognised and encompassed this towards increased collaboration, problem solving, and the breakthrough ideas that have driven genuine success and growth.
Since working in academia I have won considerable external funding for my research and have worked with members of staff in the schools of Advanced Materials, Tourism, Microbiology, Music and Computing, utilising a number of different methodologies, as appropriate to the disciplines. I am widely published, am regular speaker at conferences and public engagement events and have supervised numerous PhDs to completion. From joining Edinburgh Napier University I was promoted to Reader, was the first member of staff to win funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council and led Design, Photography and Advertising to be returned in the Research Excellence Framework for the first time in 2021. In addition to the many Interface Innovation Vouchers I have led, working with Scottish SMEs and micro businesses, I have undertaken externally funded projects working with Scottish industrial partners, heritage organisations and arts groups. These include Lenzing, the Scottish Leather Group, Bute Fabrics, Begg and Co, Calzeat, Cellucomp, Historic Environment Scotland, West Lothian Heritage Services and Applied Arts Scotland.
Currently my research is considering the potential of ‘wool’ (and ‘domestic fibre art’ making processes often created in women’s craft collectives) as an undervalued material output that can be used for sustainable innovation, looking at circumstances in Scotland, India and Nordic countries. In addition to this, as a cross disciplinary research group, we are exploring the possibilities of recycled wet suits and surf boards to create new material and products and engage tourists, locals and young people with environmental issues and wellbeing.
Research Interests EDUCATION

Heriot Watt University, December 2005 – November 2008,
Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Heriot Watt University, September 2001 – July 2005,
PhD ‘The Relationship Between Art and Fashion in the Twentieth Century’
This PhD looked at the affinities and divergences in the genres of art and fashion throughout the 20th century through the use of particular visual and theoretical examples. Examination of the 20th century revealed two particular periods - 'Modernism' and 'Postmodernism' - that were evident and fitting to this analysis. The differences and affinities in the mechanisms of 20th century art and fashion included imposing messages and innovation in Modernism and mixed messages, recycling and commercial aspects in Postmodernism.
Winner of the Pasold Raine Grants to assist individual staff working in UK museums

Heriot Watt University, September 1998 – November 1999,
MSc Clothing Management
This MSc included courses in Clothing Production, Materials and Product Evaluation, Human Resource Management and Marketing and Design Development

Edinburgh College of Art, September 1991 – July 1992, Post Graduate Diploma in Jewellery Design
This diploma was funded by the Andrew Grant Scholarship for academic excellence
Edinburgh College of Art, September 1987 – July 1991,
BA Hons Jewellery and Silversmithing
Winner of the New Designers Goldsmiths Prize, The Platinum Awards (first prize), The Goldsmiths Metal Bursary, The Scottish Gold Prize and the Pewter Design Awards

Reader in Design and Sustainability, Edinburgh Napier University, September 2011 – present
•Undertaking cross disciplinary research projects with academics and industrial partners in tourism, advanced materials, microbiology, music and computing
•Returned in the Research Excellence Framework in 2014 with research independently rated as 4 stars in quality
•Research Excellence Framework lead for Design, Photography and Advertising, 2018-2021
•Research into recycled ‘buffing dust’ composite polymers with the Scottish Leather Group became an Impact Case Study for Edinburgh Napier University, won funding from The Scottish Institute for Remanufacture and The Textiles Future Forum, won the Interface Knowledge Exchange ‘Making a Difference Award’ in 2021 and was shortlisted in the CEED Industry Awards in the ‘Remanufacture’ category.
•Research outputs independently consistently rated as 4 stars in quality.
•External research funding exceeding £200K in areas of sustainable textile creation, heritage and craft processes and working with Scottish SMEs towards innovation
•PhD supervisor with completions as primary supervisor, completions as second supervisor, external examiner appointments and internal examiner appointments
•Research project manager and lead for several externally funded research projects
•Regular public engagement and conference presenter
•Manager, research mentor and peer reviewer for staff in Design, Photography and Advertising
•Module Leader for undergraduate and post graduate Critical and Contextual Studies courses and dissertation supervisor specialising in Sustainable Design and Women in Design

Lecturer in Design, Heriot Watt University, September 2005 – September 2012
•Research returned in the Research Assessment Exercise 2008
•Published research in several peer reviewed journals
•Winner of the Carnegie Research Incentive Grant
•Winner of the ‘Graduates Teaching Prize’ for lecturer of the year and nominated for the Teaching and Learning Oscars, ‘Guiding Hand’ award in 2010
•PhD supervisor
•Lecturing in studio practice and critical and contextual studies for fashion and textile students
•Dissertation supervisor for undergraduate and post graduate students in fashion and textiles

Self Employed Designer Maker 1992 – 2005
•Invited exhibitor at New Designers in Business
•Artist in Residence at Edinburgh College of Art 1993
•Platinum and gold jewellery forms part of the National Museum of Scotland’s permanent collection
•Exhibited extensively throughout Britain
Teaching and Learning PUBLICATIONS

Anastasiadou, C., & Vettese, S. (2021). Souvenir authenticity in the additive manufacturing age. Annals of Tourism Research, Article 103188

Forster, A. M., Thomson, D., Richards, K., Pilcher, N., & Vettese, S. (2019). Western and Eastern Building Conservation Philosophies: Perspectives on Permanence and Impermanence. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 870-885

Vettese, S. (2019). Reconsidering the forgotten 'shoddy' industry and concepts of authenticity through 3D printed, repurposed selvedge waste. Making Futures

Anastasiadou, C., & Vettese, S. (2019). “From souvenirs to 3D printed souvenirs”. Exploring the capabilities of additive manufacturing technologies in (re)-framing tourist souvenirs. Tourism Management, 428-442

Younes, B., Ward, S. C., Christie, R. M., & Vettese, S. (2019). Textile applications of commercial photochromic dyes: part 7. A statistical investigation of the influence of photochromic dyes on the mechanical properties of thermoplastic fibres. Journal of the Textile Institute, 1-11
Vettese, S., & Anastasiadou, C. (2018). In Situ, 3D Printed Heritage Souvenirs: Challenging Conventional Spaces and Culture. The Journal of Peer Production, 27-39

Vones, K., Allan, D., Lambert, I., & Vettese, S. (2018). 3D-printing ‘Ocean plastic’–Fostering childrens’ engagement with sustainability. Materials Today Communications, 56-59

Vettese, S., Allan, D., & Thompson, P. (2018) A study of childrens' relationship with making and use of CAD in collaborative, physical and digital environments : implications for learning and open access fabrication. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 10-25

Vettese Forster, S. (2017). 3D Printable Recycled Textiles: Material Innovation and a Resurrection of the Forgotten “shoddy” Industry. Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 138-156
Forster, A. M., Vettese-Forster, S., & Borland, J. (2015). Etched in the Memory. RICS Building Conservation Journal, 28-29

Vettese-Forster, S., Gowans, S., Case, J., & Maciej, K. (2014). An examination of the role of sound in defining the city in the context of Edinburgh. European Academic Research, 3218-3247

Vettese-Forster, S., & Christie, R. M. (2013). The significance of the introduction of synthetic dyes in the mid 19th century on the democratisation of western fashion. Journal of the International Colour Association, 1-17

Vettese-Forster, S. (2012). A visual and contextual comparative study of the work of Picasso and Chanel towards an understanding of the overlaps between Modern Art and Fashion. The International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 15-32
Forster, A. M., Vettese‐Forster, S., & Borland, J. (2012). Evaluating the cultural significance of historic graffiti. Structural survey, 43-64

Vettese-Forster, S., & Forster, A. M. (2012). Evaluating historic graffiti based on cultural significance and definitions of art. Journal of European Popular Culture, 113-128
Vettese-Forster, S. (2009). Connections between Modern and Postmodern art and fashion. Design Journal, 217-241
Vettese-Forster, S. (2008). The Ballets Russes connection with fashion. Costume, 130-144

Book Chapters

Anastasiadou, C., Vettese, S., & Calder, L. (2018). Enhancing the Tourist Heritage Experience through In-Situ, Customisable 3D - Printed Souvenirs. In L. Egberts, & M. D. Alvarez (Eds.). Heritage and Tourism : Places, Imageries and the Digital Age, (151-171). Amsterdam University Press

Anastasiadou, C., & Vettese, S. (2018). Digital Revolution or Plastic Gimmick? Authenticity in 3D Souvenirs. In J. M. Rickly, & E. S. Vidon (Eds.). Authenticity & Tourism Materialities, Perceptions, Experiences, (165-179). Emerald


Vettese, S., Anastasiadou, C., Calder, L., Vones, K., Burton, K., & Allan, D. AHRC Design Research for Change Showcase, September 2018

Vettese, S., & Devison, N. Livingston New Town: Art, History, People November 2019 - November 2020

Vettese, S., & Devison, N. Livi Modern Exhibited at St Andrew's Church, Livingston, June 2019

Vettese, S., Vones, K., Allan, D., & Burton, K. (2018). 3D printed St Gabriel’s Chapel musical souvenir with interchangeable components.

2024, Advisor on the Freelance Adviser App (Dr Holly Patrick / Creative Informatics)
This tool enables creative freelancers to access the nuanced, trusted peer advice that is typically available only to those with established networks or existing experience. The underpinning research highlights the knowledge gap faced by many freelancers, particularly those newer to the sector: Their questions are usually of a complex nature not easily solved by an internet search and they do not know who to approach for advice. For example, new freelancers struggle to price their work when many employers expect them to work for less/free due to a lack of experience, and they lack advice on if, when, and how to negotiate rates under those rates published by unions.

2023 and 2024, Applied Arts Scotland / British Council ‘Altermatter’ project mentor
Altermatter is a Material-Centered Design workshop held online between participants with experience in material development and product design from Indonesia and the UK. In the four-week to the six-week workshop, these participants have to develop everyday products using alternative materials. At the end of the programme, they get to present and showcase the 3D modeling concepts of their products.

2023 Walking, Observing and Making - Repurposing Edinburgh’s Waste Plastic Co-designing and Digitally Making with Bio- and Waste Plastic Workshops towards ErasmusPlus 2020’s ‘Reframing Perspectives on Sustainability

This public engagement activity was carried out as part of the ErasmusPlus 2020, project “Reframing Perspectives on Sustainability: Appreciating Opposing Views to Influence Others and Drive Change” in Edinburgh, UK in February 2023. During a two-day event that focused on plastics as pollution and material resource, using lectures, a making workshop and multiple integrative methods and lo-fi crafting techniques 60 teenage students and 8 teachers from Scotland, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands became informed of plastic and its properties, its affect on the environment in Edinburgh, and co-created mementos that could be taken home. Our research investigates whether collaborative ‘crafting’, as a form of environmental education can be effective in raising people’s awareness of environmental issues and adopting positive behaviours.

2023 Participant Findhorn International Centre for Sustainability ‘International Forum on Sustainability’

2022 Invited speaker, ‘3D Printing and the Applied Arts’ online discussion

2022 Participant Findhorn International Centre for Sustainability ‘The Art of Facilitating Transformational Fields’

2021 Invited speaker on the ‘Curves and Concrete’ BBC Radio 4 documentary on Livingston skate park

2019 Invited speaker Innovative and Sustainable Materials – XpoNorth Inverness

2018 Invited speaker ‘Inspiring Innovative Sustainable Materials - An Applied Arts Scotland event in association with Interface’

2016 – 2018 Textiles Future Forum regular presenter at TradingZone events

2015 Invited speaker ‘Edinburgh Tourism Action group’ Shine the Light on Technology Conference


Jan 2023 - Mar 2024 Project Lead ‘The Ootsider’
‘Creating a Voluntary Garment Manufacturing Hub using experimental and recycled materials towards sleeping jackets which will be distributed free of charge to Homeless individuals.’ Scottish Funding Council£5K

Jan 2023 - Jun 2023 Project Lead ‘Ghillied’ ‘Contributing to a circular economy of clothes– repurposing offcuts into accessories fibre for fashion accessories.’Scottish Funding Council £5K

Feb 2022 - Nov 2022 Project Lead ‘Development of a KTP with The Scottish Leather Group / Bridge of Weir towards biodegradable and recycled composite polymers utilising waste materials from the leather processing industry.’ Edinburgh Napier Funded £10,644

Aug 2022 - Nov 2022 Project Lead ‘Measuring the capabilities of new, sustainable materials in digital and traditional craft practices towards repeatability and a widening of their usage.’ Arts and Humanities Research Council / Creative Informatics £5K

Feb 2022 - Sep 2022 Co-Investigator ‘The search for sound: towards a new instrument and a new performance practice’ Edinburgh Napier Funded £7743

Jan 2021 - May 2021 Project Lead ‘Lianne Cairns Millinery’ ‘Development of 3D printing techniques, utilising sustainable polymers towards bespoke millinery outcomes’ Scottish Funding Council £5K

Jul 2018 - Dec 2020 Project Lead Elsevier 3D Printing Grand Challenge - Innovation Prize £7500

Feb 2019 - Sep 2020 Project Lead ‘Creating a sustainable, desirable solid and soft product utilising used, previously non ‘upcycle-able’ textiles’ Scottish Funding Council £5K

Jul 2018 - Nov 2019 Project Lead ‘Creating a 3D printable material from leather waste’ Bridge of Weir Leather Company Limited £3K

Jan 2019 - Jul 2019 Project Lead ‘Utilising 3D printable leather composite materials towards repair, reuse and increased longevity of leather products’ Scottish Institute for Remanufacture £49882

Feb 2018 - Jul 2018 Project Lead Towards sustainable textiles – can fungi be used to produce useful textile materials Scottish Funding Council £10751

Jun 2018 - Jul 2018 Project Lead ‘My Bonnie Coo souvenirs’ Scottish Funding Council £4967

Jan 2018 - May 2018 Project Lead ‘The Wee Tie Company’ Scottish Funding Council £5K

Aug - Sept 2017 Project Lead ‘Survey of Independent Maker Spaces in Mumbai’ Global Challenges Research Fund £7500

Nov 2017 - Mar 2018 Co-Investigator ‘3 Bags Wool - Product and market development using selvedge material’ Scottish Funding Council £4982

Jun 2016 - May 2017 Project Lead ‘New Processes for Transforming Unexploited Textiles into High Value Products’ Heriot Watt University/ Textiles Future Forum £43936

Feb 2014 - Jan 2015 Project Lead ‘Enhancing the authenticity and sustainability of the visitor heritage experiences through 3D printing technology’ Arts and Humanities Research Council £41563


Director of Research / Primary Supervisor

Dr Xingyu
Issued by Edinburgh Napier University, Jan 2022
‘The potential of ocean plastic, an investigation of recycling possibilities in design and awareness-raising methods in society’

Dr Denise Milne
Issued by Edinburgh Napier University, Jan 2020
‘3D printing education as a means of building confidence and preparing children for skills considered necessary for the 21st century. A grounded theory study verified by empirical research’

Second Supervisor

Dr Marie Ledendal
Issued by Heriot Watt University, Jan 2015
‘Thermochromic Textiles and Sunlight Activating Systems: An Alternative Means to Induce Colour Change’

Dr Ying Chai Huang
Issued by Heriot Watt University, Jan 2011
‘Relating innovative 2D ideas into 3D garments, in terms of structure, using ‘Sculptural Form Giving’ as an intermediate step in creation’

Independent Panel Chair / Internal Examiner

Dr Helena Duncan
Issued by Edinburgh Napier University, June 2023
‘The dreadful tides of a new and incomprehensible life': rural modernity and watchfulness in early twentieth-century Scottish women's writing’

Dr Gordon O’Neill
Issued by Edinburgh Napier University, Sept 2022
‘Dialogical music systems: The importance of agency in creative processes’

Dr Lyndsey Calder
Issued by Heriot Watt University, May 2012
‘A mixed methods study into the measurement of the effects of monochromatic optical pattern on perceived female form’

Dr Sara Robertson
Issued by Heriot Watt University, December 2011
‘An investigation of the design potential of thermochromic textiles used with electronic heat-profiling circuitry’

External Examiner

Dr An Kang Hyun
Issued by Heriot Watt University, September 2019
‘From the loom to wear : shapeable woven textiles from seamless fashion’