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Investigating the Cursor Movement Parameters for Haptic Assistance of Motion-impaired Users

Langdon, Patrick; Hwang, Faustina; Keates, Simeon; Clarkson, p. John; Robinson, Peter


Patrick Langdon

Faustina Hwang

Simeon Keates

p. John Clarkson

Peter Robinson


M. Mokhtari


Following a pilot study that suggested that force-feedback gravity wells could, under certain conditions, lead to 20- 50% improvements in time to target in a selection task, a series of experiments further investigated the potential for enhancement of user interfaces for disabled computer users by the use of haptic feedback modulated on the basis of cursor position. Two experiments are reported examining (1) the effect of size of attractive basins in adjacent targets on time to target in a point and click selection task and (2) the effect of presence of four different types of forcefeedback channels between start point and target on times to select a target. It was found that the presence of adjacent attractive basins was not disruptive of navigation to target, and that haptic force channels may only decrease times for those with high degrees of impairment. Cursor trace analysis suggested that the increased attraction force and range counteracts the disruptive effect of inappropriate cursor capture for the overlapping basins and that inappropriate ballistic movements were suppressed by channels for some of the impaired users but that channels may have had no effect on overshoot errors in these cases.


Langdon, P., Hwang, F., Keates, S., Clarkson, P. J., & Robinson, P. (2001, April). Investigating the Cursor Movement Parameters for Haptic Assistance of Motion-impaired Users. Presented at ICORR '2001 7th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Evry, France

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name ICORR '2001 7th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics
Start Date Apr 25, 2001
End Date Apr 27, 2001
Publication Date 2001
Deposit Date Feb 6, 2019
Publisher IOS Press
Volume 9
Pages 237-242
Series Title Assistive Technology Research Series
Series ISSN 1383-813X
Book Title Integration of Assistive Technology in the Information Age: ICORR '2001, 7th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics
ISBN 9781586031718
Keywords cursor movement, haptic assistance, motion-impaired users, medical Informatics, rehabilitation, assistive technology,
Public URL
Additional Information This research is funded in part by the EPSRC, the Canadian Cambridge Trust, and NSERC.