Hildegard Kolb
A retrospective medical records review of risk factors for the development of respiratory tract secretions (death rattle) in the dying patient
Kolb, Hildegard; Snowden, Austyn; Stevens, Elaine; Atherton, Iain
Prof Austyn Snowden A.Snowden@napier.ac.uk
Elaine Stevens
Prof Iain Atherton I.Atherton@napier.ac.uk
Aim: Identification of risk factors predicting the development of death rattle.
Background: Respiratory tract secretions, often called death rattle, are among the most common symptoms in dying patients around the world. It is unknown whether death rattle causes distress in patients, but it has been globally reported that distress levels can be high in family members. Although there is a poor evidence base, treatment with antimuscarinic medication is standard practice worldwide and prompt intervention is recognised as crucial for effectiveness. The identification of risk factors for the development of death rattle would allow for targeted interventions.
Design: A case ̶ control study was designed to retrospectively review two hundred consecutive medical records of mainly cancer patients who died in a hospice inpatient setting between 2009 and 2011. Fifteen potential risk factors including the original factors weight, smoking, final opioid dose and final Midazolam dose were investigated.
Methods: Binary logistic regression to identify risk factors for death rattle development.
Results: Univariate analysis showed death rattle was significantly associated with final Midazolam doses and final opioid doses, length of dying phase, and anticholinergic drug load in the pre-terminal phase. In the final logistic regression model only Midazolam was statistically significant, and only at final doses of 20mg/24hrs or over (OR 3.81 CI 1.41-10.34).
Conclusions: Dying patients with a requirement for a high dose of Midazolam have an increased likelihood of developing death rattle.
Kolb, H., Snowden, A., Stevens, E., & Atherton, I. (2018). A retrospective medical records review of risk factors for the development of respiratory tract secretions (death rattle) in the dying patient. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(7), 1639-1648. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13704
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | May 1, 2018 |
Online Publication Date | Jun 22, 2018 |
Publication Date | 2018-07 |
Deposit Date | May 1, 2018 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 23, 2019 |
Journal | Journal of Advanced Nursing |
Print ISSN | 0309-2402 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 74 |
Issue | 7 |
Pages | 1639-1648 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13704 |
Keywords | Palliative care, End of life, symptom management, quantitative approaches, adult nursing, |
Public URL | http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1169054 |
Contract Date | May 1, 2018 |
A retrospective medical records review of risk factors for the development of respiratory tract secretions (death rattle) in the dying patient
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