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Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions

Baverstock, Alison; Steinitz, Jackie; Webster-Henderson, Brian; Bryars, Laura; Cairncross, Sandra; Ennis, Laura; Morris, Wendy; Gray, Avril; McLuckie, Connie


Alison Baverstock

Jackie Steinitz

Brian Webster-Henderson

Laura Bryars

Sandra Cairncross

Laura Ennis

Wendy Morris


Seeking to improve student enrolment, engagement, and retention, Kingston University began a pre-arrival shared reading scheme in 2014–2015, sending a free book to every student about to start at the university and making copies available to staff in all roles and departments across the institution. A number of associated events were organized and outcomes monitored through a variety of project-specific and institutional metrics. Continuing with the scheme in 2015–2016, Kingston University and Edinburgh Napier University joined together as research partners. Edinburgh Napier, having participated in the process of choosing a book for all to read, made the same single title available to their students and staff. In this paper the processes and outcomes of the collaboration are reported, including the differences in project implementation in the two institutions and what they learned from each other. Recommendations are made for how universities can work together on projects of mutual desirability, pointing out particular associated sensitivities, in this case when managing a long-distance collaboration, and what can be learned for the future.


Baverstock, A., Steinitz, J., Webster-Henderson, B., Bryars, L., Cairncross, S., Ennis, L., Morris, W., Gray, A., & McLuckie, C. (2018). Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions. Logos, 29(4),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 1, 2018
Online Publication Date Feb 27, 2018
Publication Date 2018
Deposit Date Sep 25, 2019
Journal Logos
Print ISSN 0716-7520
Electronic ISSN 0719-3262
Publisher Universidad de La Serena
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 29
Issue 4
Keywords pre-arrival; shared-reading; engagement; involvement; retention; community; library
Public URL