Looking back at Covid-19 government restrictions: were local lockdown regions with tighter restrictions less adherent before the restrictions and more adherent after?
Journal Article
den Daas, C., Johnston, M., Hubbard, G., & Dixon, D. (2024). Looking back at Covid-19 government restrictions: were local lockdown regions with tighter restrictions less adherent before the restrictions and more adherent after?. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 14(12), 732-737. https://doi.org/10.1093/tbm/ibae061
It is assumed that increases in Covid-19 cases are caused by people not adhering to advised individual transmission-reducing behaviours. Upon the implementation of restrictions, the hypothesis is that those individuals will change their behaviour. We... Read More about Looking back at Covid-19 government restrictions: were local lockdown regions with tighter restrictions less adherent before the restrictions and more adherent after?.