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Outputs (58)

Factors affecting the survival of donkeys in semi-arid regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, D., & Pearson, R. A. (2002, April). Factors affecting the survival of donkeys in semi-arid regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. Presented at Fourth International Colloquium on Working Equines. Proceedings of an International Colloquium

Paper published in PEARSON, R.A., FIELDING, D. and TABBAA, D. Eds. (2003). Fourth International Colloquium on Working Equines. Proceedings of an International Colloquium held at Al Baath University, Hama, Syria April 20-26 2002. SPANA, 14 John Street... Read More about Factors affecting the survival of donkeys in semi-arid regions of Sub-Saharan Africa..

¿Existe un papel para biosaf en las dietas de equinos? (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stebbens, H. R., Smith, D., & Cuddeford, D. (2002, December). ¿Existe un papel para biosaf en las dietas de equinos?. Paper presented at el V Seminario Internacional de Microbiología Aplicada a la Nutrición Animal, Guadalajara, 2002

Translation from Spanish:
BIOSAF Sc47 has been incorporated into the diets of rabbits, sheep, cattle, and pigs, where has allowed a better use of the food, high consumption and better productive performance in general. Its mode of action is not full... Read More about ¿Existe un papel para biosaf en las dietas de equinos?.

Evaluation of recently developed techniques for estimating diet composition in browsing herbivores. (2002)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Mpendu, B. F., Lamani, M. B., Dzeba, L., & Kelly, E. (2002). Evaluation of recently developed techniques for estimating diet composition in browsing herbivores. Agrippa,

Accuracy of estimates of botanical composition of herbivore diet may be improved through the use of recently developed techniques (alkane analysis, remote controlled oesophageal fistula valve). Three Boer goats allowed free choice of five forage spec... Read More about Evaluation of recently developed techniques for estimating diet composition in browsing herbivores..

Improving the productivity of donkeys in Ethiopia. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ocheing, F., Alemayahu, M., & Smith, D. (2002, November). Improving the productivity of donkeys in Ethiopia. Presented at Responding to the Increasing Global Demand for Animal Products

In Ethiopia, animal traction contributes significantly in supporting both rural and urban livelihoods. Draught
animals provide smallholder farmers and transport operators with vital power for agricultural and transport work, and is a major player in... Read More about Improving the productivity of donkeys in Ethiopia..

Effect of species, plant part, and season of harvest on n-alkane concentrations in the cuticular wax of common rangeland grasses from southern Africa (2001)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Mayes, R. W., & Raats, J. G. (2001). Effect of species, plant part, and season of harvest on n-alkane concentrations in the cuticular wax of common rangeland grasses from southern Africa. Australian journal of agricultural research, 52, 875-882.

The use of plant alkane concentrations to measure diet composition of herbivores has been shown to be a reliable technique in animals grazing temperate, sown pastures that contain a relatively small number of plant species. There is potential to deve... Read More about Effect of species, plant part, and season of harvest on n-alkane concentrations in the cuticular wax of common rangeland grasses from southern Africa.

Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition. (2001)
Journal Article
Henley, S. R., Smith, D., & Raats, J. G. (2001). Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition. Journal of range management, 54, 582-588

Over a period of four days, three goats were employed to compare three techniques applied to the study of herbivore diet selection, namely direct observation, faecal analysis and the recently developed remote control oesophageal fistula valve. Direct... Read More about Evaluation of 3 techniques for determining diet composition..

R7376: A practical decision support tool to improve the feedmanagement of ruminant work animals. Final Technical Report (2000)
Thorne, P. J., & Smith, D. (2000). R7376: A practical decision support tool to improve the feedmanagement of ruminant work animals. Final Technical Report

Deteriorating levels of food production and increasing demands for food have reduced food security amongst rural communities in poor countries. Draught animal
technology can help alleviate this problem by improving timeliness and reducing human drud... Read More about R7376: A practical decision support tool to improve the feedmanagement of ruminant work animals. Final Technical Report.

Assessment of health conditions of donkeys kept in urban and rural areas of central Ethiopia. (2000)
Book Chapter
Gemechu, K., Aster, Y., Tamirat, D., & Pearson, R. A. (2000). Assessment of health conditions of donkeys kept in urban and rural areas of central Ethiopia. In D. Smith, T. Agajie, & L. More (Eds.), Alleviating poverty in Peri-urban Ethiopia by improving the health, welfare and management of donkeys. Promoting peri-urban livelihoods through better donkey welfare. Proceedings of a workshop held at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, October 2000 (29-35). CTVM

Alleviating poverty in peri-urban Ethiopia by improving the health, welfare and management of donkeys: "Promoting peri-urban livelihoods through better donkey welfare". (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, D., Agajie, T., & More, L. (2000, January). Alleviating poverty in peri-urban Ethiopia by improving the health, welfare and management of donkeys: "Promoting peri-urban livelihoods through better donkey welfare"

Proceedings of a workshop held at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. October 2000