How do students form their chemistry identities in the lab and the classroom?
Journal Article
McGill, C. (2024). How do students form their chemistry identities in the lab and the classroom?. Education in Chemistry,
Outputs (5)
Reimagining secondary Broad General Education sciences (2024)
Journal Article
McGill, C., Earnshaw, H., Easton, E., & Carvalho, K. (2024). Reimagining secondary Broad General Education sciences. School Science Review in Practice, 106(392), 25-29
Lessons for Lab Learning (2024)
Journal Article
McGill, C. (2024). Lessons for Lab Learning. Education in Chemistry,10 guiding principles to help you maximise students’ outcomes from chemistry practicals
Make learning possible with Johnstone’s triangle (2024)
Digital Artefact
Short, D., & McGill, C. (2024). Make learning possible with Johnstone’s triangle. [Article]Improve your students’ understanding of abstract ideas by explaining and linking the different levels of Johnstone’s triangle
Perfect your lesson plans with a chatbot (2024)
Digital Artefact
McGill, C. (2024). Perfect your lesson plans with a chatbot. [Article]