Copper Homeostasis in Salmonella is atypical and Copper-CueP Is a major periplasmic metal complex
Journal Article
Osman, D., Waldron, K. J., Denton, H., Taylor, C. M., Grant, A. J., Mastroeni, P., Robinson, N. J., & Cavet, J. S. (2010). Copper Homeostasis in Salmonella is atypical and Copper-CueP Is a major periplasmic metal complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, 25259-25268.
Salmonella enterica sv. typhimurium (S. enterica sv. Typhimurium) has two metal-transporting P1-type ATPases whose actions largely overlap with respect to growth in elevated copper. Mutants lacking both ATPases over-accumulate copper relative to wild... Read More about Copper Homeostasis in Salmonella is atypical and Copper-CueP Is a major periplasmic metal complex.