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Outputs (19)

An efficient algorithm for partially matched services in internet of services (2016)
Journal Article
Ahmed, M., Liu, L., Hardy, J., Yuan, B., & Antonopoulos, N. (2016). An efficient algorithm for partially matched services in internet of services. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 20(3), 283-293.

Internet of Things (IoT) connects billions of devices in an Internet-like structure. Each device encapsulated as a real-world service which provides functionality and exchanges information with other devices. This large-scale information exchange res... Read More about An efficient algorithm for partially matched services in internet of services.

It's time to stand up to greedy academic publishers (2016)
Newspaper / Magazine
Gray, J., & Lawson, S. (2016). It's time to stand up to greedy academic publishers

[Note: the title of this news commentary article was not approved by the authors.]

The UK’s higher education institutions spend more than £180m on journal subscriptions every year. We need to come together and create a better system

Open scholarly communications data (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lawson, S. (2016, April). Open scholarly communications data. Presented at UKSG 39th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Bournemouth, UK

The transition to open access is being accompanied by opening up financial data about the scholarly communications system. The costs of both journal subscriptions and open access article processing charges (APCs) – along with the revenues of the publ... Read More about Open scholarly communications data.

APC data for 27 UK higher education institutions in 2015 (v4) (2016)
Lawson, S. (2016). APC data for 27 UK higher education institutions in 2015 (v4). [Data].

This spreadsheet contains details of 4,358 article processing charges (APCs) paid by 27 UK higher education institutions during the first half of 2015. The data is being collected as part of Jisc's APC data collection project to address the Total Cos... Read More about APC data for 27 UK higher education institutions in 2015 (v4).

Opening the black box of scholarly communication funding: a public data infrastructure for financial flows in academic publishing (2016)
Journal Article
Lawson, S., Gray, J., & Mauri, M. (2016). Opening the black box of scholarly communication funding: a public data infrastructure for financial flows in academic publishing. Open Library of Humanities, 2(1), Article e10.

‘Public access to publicly funded research’ has been one of the rallying calls of the global open access movement. Governments and public institutions around the world have mandated that publications supported by public funding sources should be publ... Read More about Opening the black box of scholarly communication funding: a public data infrastructure for financial flows in academic publishing.

A socioecological model for advanced service discovery in machine-to-machine communication networks (2016)
Journal Article
Liu, L., Antonopoulos, N., Zheng, M., Zhan, Y., & Ding, Z. (2016). A socioecological model for advanced service discovery in machine-to-machine communication networks. ACM transactions on embedded computing systems, 15(2), Article 38.

The new development of embedded systems has the potential to revolutionize our lives and will have a significant impact on future Internet of Thing (IoT) systems if required services can be automatically discovered and accessed at runtime in Machine-... Read More about A socioecological model for advanced service discovery in machine-to-machine communication networks.

Video stream analysis in clouds: An object detection and classification framework for high performance video analytics (2016)
Journal Article
Tariq, M., Anjum, A., Abdullah, T., Tariq, M. F., Baltaci, Y., & Antonopoulos, N. (2016). Video stream analysis in clouds: An object detection and classification framework for high performance video analytics. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,

Object detection and classification are the basic tasks in video analytics and become the starting point for other complex applications. Traditional video analytics approaches are manual and time consuming. These are subjective due to the very involv... Read More about Video stream analysis in clouds: An object detection and classification framework for high performance video analytics.

BioGRID: A Resource for Studying Biological Interactions in Yeast: Table 1. (2016)
Journal Article
Oughtred, R., Chatr-aryamontri, A., Breitkreutz, B.-J., Chang, C. S., Rust, J. M., Theesfeld, C. L., Heinicke, S., Breitkreutz, A., Chen, D., Hirschman, J., Kolas, N., Livstone, M. S., Nixon, J., O’Donnell, L., Ramage, L., Winter, A., Reguly, T., Sellam, A., Stark, C., Boucher, L., …Tyers, M. (2016). BioGRID: A Resource for Studying Biological Interactions in Yeast: Table 1. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2016(1), pdb.top080754.

The Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID) is a freely available public database that provides the biological and biomedical research communities with curated protein and genetic interaction data. Structured experimental evi... Read More about BioGRID: A Resource for Studying Biological Interactions in Yeast: Table 1..

Use of the BioGRID Database for Analysis of Yeast Protein and Genetic Interactions (2016)
Journal Article
Oughtred, R., Chatr-aryamontri, A., Breitkreutz, B.-J., Chang, C. S., Rust, J. M., Theesfeld, C. L., Heinicke, S., Breitkreutz, A., Chen, D., Hirschman, J., Kolas, N., Livstone, M. S., Nixon, J., O’Donnell, L., Ramage, L., Winter, A., Reguly, T., Sellam, A., Stark, C., Boucher, L., …Tyers, M. (2016). Use of the BioGRID Database for Analysis of Yeast Protein and Genetic Interactions. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2016(1), pdb.prot088880.

The BioGRID database is an extensive repository of curated genetic and protein interactions for the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and the yeast Candida albicans SC5314, as well as for several oth... Read More about Use of the BioGRID Database for Analysis of Yeast Protein and Genetic Interactions.