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Outputs (146)

A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England (2025)
Journal Article
Maclean, G., & Hill, D. (in press). A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England. Current Sociology,

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022 led to a dramatic increase in energy prices in the UK. Chefs interviewed in the North East of England were found already struggling with post-lockdown re-opening, now huge energy bills and food short... Read More about A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England.

Passivity theorems for input-to-state stability of forced Lur'e inclusions and equations, and consequent entrainment-type properties (2025)
Journal Article
Guiver, C. (online). Passivity theorems for input-to-state stability of forced Lur'e inclusions and equations, and consequent entrainment-type properties. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations,

A suite of input-to-state stability results are presented for a class of forced differential inclusions, so-called Lur’e inclusions. As a consequence, semi-global incremental input-to-state stability results for systems of forced Lur’e differential e... Read More about Passivity theorems for input-to-state stability of forced Lur'e inclusions and equations, and consequent entrainment-type properties.

Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission (2025)
Mackinnon, J., Turner, R. S., & White, P. J. C. (in press). Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission

We conducted a systematic literature review as part of a Forestry Commission (FC) contract to provide good practice technical guidance to manage impacts of mammals on trees, woods, establishing woodlands and treescapes. The review examined both the p... Read More about Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission.

Establishing a Relationship between Particle size distribution & Thaw weakening Susceptibility in Soils (2025)
Journal Article
Leak, J., Dimitriadi, V., Barreto, D., Bernal-Sanchez, J., & Imre, E. (2025). Establishing a Relationship between Particle size distribution & Thaw weakening Susceptibility in Soils. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 231, Article 104423.

Susceptibility to frost action in soils is an important consideration in cold and seasonably cold regions. Whilst the particle size distribution (PSD) is commonly used to measure susceptibility to frost action, this method is typically seen as unreli... Read More about Establishing a Relationship between Particle size distribution & Thaw weakening Susceptibility in Soils.

WABAD: A World Annotated Bird Acoustic Dataset for Passive Acoustic Monitoring (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper
Pérez-Granados, C., Etxebarría, J. M., Darras, K. F. A., Gómez, O. H. M., Mendoza, I., Mohedano-Muñoz, M. Á., Santamaría, E., Bastianelli, G., Márquez-Rodríguez, A., Budka, M., Bota, G., Rubio, J. M. D. L. P., Morena, E. L. G. D. L., Santa-Cruz:, M., Nava, P. D. L., Fernández-Tizón, M., Sánchez-Mateos, H., Barrero, A., Traba, J., Osiejuk, T. S., …Sebastián-González, E. WABAD: A World Annotated Bird Acoustic Dataset for Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Under the current global biodiversity crisis, there is a need for automated and non-invasive monitoring techniques that are able to gather large amounts of information cost-effectively at large scales. One such technique is passive acoustic monitorin... Read More about WABAD: A World Annotated Bird Acoustic Dataset for Passive Acoustic Monitoring.

Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Panneels, I., & Patrick-Thomson, H. (2024, September). Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace. Presented at The 4th Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) Conference, Edinburgh, UK

The creative economy is powered by a workforce with a high proportion of freelancers and SMEs. This paper reflects on new ways of working, accelerated by the digital pivot of the creative workplace caused by the global pandemic. Whilst the impact of... Read More about Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace.

Thought Experiments in Design Ethics (2024)
Journal Article
Buwert, P., & Sinclair, M. (2024). Thought Experiments in Design Ethics. Temes de Disseny, 40, 54-73.

How is the designer to approach questions of responsibility, obligation, or right and wrong in relation to their role in creating, sustaining and altering the complex worlds which we inhabit together? Every design decision stands as the first teeteri... Read More about Thought Experiments in Design Ethics.

Quantifying the impact of environmental changes on migratory species: a model perturbation framework (2024)
Journal Article
Smith, P., Adams, B., & Guiver, C. (2024). Quantifying the impact of environmental changes on migratory species: a model perturbation framework. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12, Article 1426018.

Migratory species use different habitats and pathways across their migratory route. Pathway contribution metrics are transient metrics of population growth, derived from population models, and quantify the predicted contribution of an individual, tra... Read More about Quantifying the impact of environmental changes on migratory species: a model perturbation framework.

Mechanical recycling of polyamide 6 and polypropylene for automotive applications (2024)
Journal Article
Dehghani, S., Salehiyan, R., & Srithep, Y. (2025). Mechanical recycling of polyamide 6 and polypropylene for automotive applications. Polymer Engineering and Science, 65(1), 250-257.

This study investigates the mechanical recycling of polyamide 6 (PA6) from discarded fishing nets and polypropylene (PP) from automotive battery scraps and household waste for automotive applications. The mechanical properties of both materials were... Read More about Mechanical recycling of polyamide 6 and polypropylene for automotive applications.

Global Policies Influencing the Greater Adoption of Timber in Construction (2024)
Hairstans, R., Ridley Ellis, D., Cramer, M., Plowas, W., Hart, S., Rogers, L., Connell-Skinner, K., & Seminara, P. (2024). Global Policies Influencing the Greater Adoption of Timber in Construction. Forest Industries Ireland

This report prepared on behalf of the Timber in Construction Steering Group and Forest Industries Ireland and authored by Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (BE-ST) and Edinburgh Napier University (ENU), emphasises the critical role of increa... Read More about Global Policies Influencing the Greater Adoption of Timber in Construction.

‘On the perimeter and fringe of war’: Norman Nicholson, Rural Modernity and Wartime (2024)
Journal Article
Frayn, A. (2024). ‘On the perimeter and fringe of war’: Norman Nicholson, Rural Modernity and Wartime. Modernist Cultures, 19(1), 128 - 151.

The author Norman Nicholson is an exemplary writer of rural modernity, acutely conscious of the need for rural areas to remain ‘living and organic communities’, as he puts it in his topographic book Greater Lakeland (1969). Here, I argue that his po... Read More about ‘On the perimeter and fringe of war’: Norman Nicholson, Rural Modernity and Wartime.

The Climate Investment Case for the Livestock Sector (2024)
Wheelhouse, N., Bisson, A., Chamberlin, R., Wisser, D., & MacLeod, M. (2024). The Climate Investment Case for the Livestock Sector. Global Research Alliance on Greenhouse Gases

Key Messages
• Livestock are vital for nutrition, food security, and livelihoods in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), but climate change threatens these benefits.
• The livestock sector also presents an environmental challenge, contributing... Read More about The Climate Investment Case for the Livestock Sector.

An Innovative Approach to Geotechnical Seismic Isolation: Rubber-Soil Mixture Trenches (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bernal-Sanchez, J., Mcdougall, J., Barreto, D., Dimitriadi, V., Leak, J., & Nseabasi, M. (2024, June). An Innovative Approach to Geotechnical Seismic Isolation: Rubber-Soil Mixture Trenches. Presented at 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy

This study presents a Geotechnical Seismic Isolation (GSI) system proposed for utilising Rubber-Soil mixtures (RSm) to enhance the dynamic performance of a modified soil and foundation structure. The inclusion of RSm enables the system to exhibit low... Read More about An Innovative Approach to Geotechnical Seismic Isolation: Rubber-Soil Mixture Trenches.

Assessing the potential of acoustic telemetry to underpin the regional management of basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) (2024)
Journal Article
Thorburn, J., Collins, P. C., Garbett, A., Vance, H., Phillips, N., Drumm, A., Cooney, J., Waters, C., Ó’Maoiléidigh, N., Johnston, E., Dolton, H. R., Berrow, S., Hall, G., Hall, J., Delvillar, D., McGill, R., Whoriskey, F., Fangue, N. A., McInturf, A. G., Rypel, A. L., …Houghton, J. D. R. (2024). Assessing the potential of acoustic telemetry to underpin the regional management of basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus). Animal Biotelemetry, 12, Article 20.

Acoustic telemetry can provide valuable space-use data for a range of marine species. Yet the deployment of species-specific arrays over vast areas to gather data on highly migratory vertebrates poses formidable challenges, often rendering it impract... Read More about Assessing the potential of acoustic telemetry to underpin the regional management of basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus).

The Irish Government is Updating its National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
Ozoani, C., & Plant, E. (2024). The Irish Government is Updating its National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport. Dublin, Ireland

The Policy Committee of the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport examine one of the key questions.

What are the key and most pressing barriers to the deployment and use of alternative fuels infrastructure in the land transport /maritim... Read More about The Irish Government is Updating its National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport.

Beyond the Developmental Narrative of Postcolonial Nation-Time: The Materialities of Water and Geological Faultlines in Shubhangi Swarup’s Latitudes of Longing (2024)
Journal Article
Bhattacharya, A. (2024). Beyond the Developmental Narrative of Postcolonial Nation-Time: The Materialities of Water and Geological Faultlines in Shubhangi Swarup’s Latitudes of Longing. Postcolonial Text, Vol 19(1 & 2),

This chapter explores how Shubhangi Swarup’s novel Latitudes of Longing (2018) breaks out of the developmental narrative of nation-time into an exploration of the impressions of deep time in which events impact human consciousness on a planetary scal... Read More about Beyond the Developmental Narrative of Postcolonial Nation-Time: The Materialities of Water and Geological Faultlines in Shubhangi Swarup’s Latitudes of Longing.