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Outputs (693)

Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand (2023)
Journal Article
Sangiamchit, C., & Victoria, M. (2023). Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand. Journal of Language and Culture, 42(1), 178-208

YouTube is one of the biggest and most popular global online video sharing and social media platforms. Owing to its multimodal features and rich user generated contents covering hugely diverse themes, it has the power to bring together billions of vi... Read More about Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand.

Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being (2023)
Journal Article
Dougall, N., MacGillivray, S., Heyman, I., Wooff, A., & Tatnell, A. (2023). Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 8(2), 66-74.

Effective cross-service collaboration has been posed as a way of improving outcomes for people, enhancing community safety and well-being, reducing social and health inequalities, and improving service resource efficiencies. However, it was not known... Read More about Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being.

Playing the political game: The co-evolution of institutions with group size and political inequality (2023)
Journal Article
Powers, S. T., Perret, C., & Currie, T. E. (2023). Playing the political game: The co-evolution of institutions with group size and political inequality. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 378(1883),

All societies need to form institutional rules to regulate their social interactions. These specify what actions individuals should take in particular situations, and what sanctions will apply if individuals violate these rules. But forming these ins... Read More about Playing the political game: The co-evolution of institutions with group size and political inequality.

LGBT+ ballroom dancers and their shoes: Fashioning the queer self into existence (2023)
Journal Article
Wong, Y. N. (2024). LGBT+ ballroom dancers and their shoes: Fashioning the queer self into existence. Current Sociology, 72(5), 946-966.

This article examines the role of dance shoes in LGBT+ ballroom dancers’ identity formation and expression on the dancefloor. Applying Entwistle’s (2015) ‘situated bodily practice’ to an analysis of ethnographic field notes and 35 interviews, I highl... Read More about LGBT+ ballroom dancers and their shoes: Fashioning the queer self into existence.

Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures (2023)
Journal Article
Abreu Novais, M., Ali-Knight, J., Holmes, K., Lockstone-Binney, L., Robertson, M., & Stewart, H. (2023). Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 137-140.

[Abstract unavailable.]

Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals (2023)
Journal Article
Ali-Knight, J., Kerr, G., Stewart, H., & Holmes, K. (2023). Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 170-188.

In this paper, we explore how Edinburgh’s key Festivals have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their response presents the emergence of more innovative festival delivery models and a different imagining of the festival space.

Design/met... Read More about Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals.

The competence of a successful designer (2023)
Journal Article
Turtola, N., & Määttä, K. (2023). The competence of a successful designer. International Journal of Business and Management (Prague), 11(1), 32-49.

The designer’s practice is subject to ever-increasing demands in the accelerating transformations and complexities of our time. A designer's competence requires continuous renewal and realignment, yet it contains several permanent qualities. The purp... Read More about The competence of a successful designer.

The Semiotic Paradigm for Deconstructing Event Design and Meaning (2023)
Journal Article
Viol, M., Todd, L., & Anastasiadou, C. (2023). The Semiotic Paradigm for Deconstructing Event Design and Meaning. Event Management, 27(7), 1063-1079.

Festivals and events convey a range of historical, political, social and cultural signs and meanings, however, there remains limited methodological guidance for understanding these. This paper proposes semiotics as a valuable yet underappreciated and... Read More about The Semiotic Paradigm for Deconstructing Event Design and Meaning.

Deconstructing commemorative narratives: the anniversaries of the fall of the Berlin Wall (2023)
Journal Article
Viol, M., Anastasiadou, C., Todd, L., & Theodoraki, E. (2024). Deconstructing commemorative narratives: the anniversaries of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Leisure Studies, 43(1), 153-170.

Historically, researchers have studied commemorative events primarily for their political role in the (re)construction of contested national collective memories and identities, but globalisation, social justice movements, multiculturalism and regiona... Read More about Deconstructing commemorative narratives: the anniversaries of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Evolved Open-Endedness in Cultural Evolution: A New Dimension in Open-Ended Evolution Research (2023)
Journal Article
Borg, J. M., Buskell, A., Kapitany, R., Powers, S. T., Reindl, E., & Tennie, C. (2024). Evolved Open-Endedness in Cultural Evolution: A New Dimension in Open-Ended Evolution Research. Artificial Life, 30(3), 417-438.

The goal of Artificial Life research, as articulated by Chris Langton, is “to contribute to theoretical biology by locating life-as-we-know-it within the larger picture of life-as-it-could-be” (1989, p. 1). The study and pursuit of open-ended evoluti... Read More about Evolved Open-Endedness in Cultural Evolution: A New Dimension in Open-Ended Evolution Research.

The rationale of non-smoking adolescents’ use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) (2023)
Journal Article
Caie, S., & Ran, G. J. (2023). The rationale of non-smoking adolescents’ use of electronic cigarettes (vaping). Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 35(1), 85-94

INTRODUCTION: Although electronic cigarettes are primarily advertised as smoking cessation tools, recent studies found a significant increase of adolescents who are non-smokers initiating the use of electronic cigarettes, and the understanding of the... Read More about The rationale of non-smoking adolescents’ use of electronic cigarettes (vaping).

Are there any gains in green-tech adoption? Unearthing the beneficial outcomes of smart-sustainable practices in Nigeria and Hong Kong built environment (2023)
Journal Article
Olawumi, T. O., Chan, D. W., Saka, A. B., Ekundayo, D., & Odeh, A. O. (2023). Are there any gains in green-tech adoption? Unearthing the beneficial outcomes of smart-sustainable practices in Nigeria and Hong Kong built environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 410, Article 137280.

Implementing Smart-sustainable practices (SSP) is crucial to achieving environmentally-friendly buildings and cities. Adequate awareness and understanding of its benefits and impacts are essential for maximizing its implementation. Hence, this study... Read More about Are there any gains in green-tech adoption? Unearthing the beneficial outcomes of smart-sustainable practices in Nigeria and Hong Kong built environment.

Conditions, Actions and Purposes (CAP): A Dynamic Model for Community Policing in Europe (2023)
Journal Article
O’Neill, M., van der Giessen, M., Bayerl, P. S., Hail, Y., Aston, E., & Houtsonen, J. (2023). Conditions, Actions and Purposes (CAP): A Dynamic Model for Community Policing in Europe. Policing, 17,

Despite its popularity as a policing method and evidence of its positive affect on communities, community policing has defied attempts to establish a clear definition and replicable form. Often regarded as an Anglo-American policing method in origin,... Read More about Conditions, Actions and Purposes (CAP): A Dynamic Model for Community Policing in Europe.

“I am here because I wanted to shine”: how poetry can be used to better understand undergraduate students’ first-year chemistry or related course experiences (2023)
Journal Article
Illingworth, S., & Radhakrishnan, M. L. (2023). “I am here because I wanted to shine”: how poetry can be used to better understand undergraduate students’ first-year chemistry or related course experiences. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 24(3), 868-881.

In this study we investigate how first-year chemistry/biology undergraduate students’ original poetry can be used as a reflective tool for others to understand their course experiences. By inviting students from an integrated first-year chemistry/bio... Read More about “I am here because I wanted to shine”: how poetry can be used to better understand undergraduate students’ first-year chemistry or related course experiences.

EU Tourism and Student Identities in a pre-Brexit UK (2023)
Journal Article
Anastasiadou, C., Pilcher, N., Gutu, M., & Panyik, E. (2023). EU Tourism and Student Identities in a pre-Brexit UK. Annals of Tourism Research, 99, Article 103545.

The EU has long advocated cultural tourism to construct a shared, supranational European identity. Drawing on data collected prior to the UK Brexit referendum, the paper compares EU discourse in selected tourism policy documents, and the travel exper... Read More about EU Tourism and Student Identities in a pre-Brexit UK.

Rural modernity, rural modernism and deindustrialisation in Norman Nicholson’s poetry (2023)
Journal Article
Frayn, A. (2023). Rural modernity, rural modernism and deindustrialisation in Norman Nicholson’s poetry. English Studies, 104(3), 478-499.

This article argues that the Cumbrian poet Norman Nicholson (1914–1987) is an exemplary writer about rural modernity, whose work also enables us to conceptualise a rural modernism. Nicholson lived all his life in his home town of Millom, an industria... Read More about Rural modernity, rural modernism and deindustrialisation in Norman Nicholson’s poetry.

‘I’m not going to leave someone to die’: carriage of naloxone by police in Scotland within a public health framework: a qualitative study of acceptability and experiences (2023)
Journal Article
Speakman, E. M., Hillen, P., Heyman, I., Murray, J., Dougall, N., Aston, E. V., & McAuley, A. (2023). ‘I’m not going to leave someone to die’: carriage of naloxone by police in Scotland within a public health framework: a qualitative study of acceptability and experiences. Harm Reduction Journal, 20, Article 20.

Scotland has one of the highest rates of drug-related deaths (DRDs) per capita in Europe, the majority of which involve opioids. Naloxone is a medication used to reverse opioid-related overdoses. In efforts to tackle escalating DRDs in ma... Read More about ‘I’m not going to leave someone to die’: carriage of naloxone by police in Scotland within a public health framework: a qualitative study of acceptability and experiences.

Re-enactment in Lighter Dark Tourism: An Exploration of Re-enactor Tour Guides and Their Perspectives on Creating Visitor Experiences (2023)
Journal Article
Wyatt, B., Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2024). Re-enactment in Lighter Dark Tourism: An Exploration of Re-enactor Tour Guides and Their Perspectives on Creating Visitor Experiences. Journal of Travel Research, 63(2), 496-516.

This study explores the perspectives of re-enactor tour guides (RTG) concerning their role and re-enactment of dark histories—an overlooked topic within dark tourism research. A conceptual model is proposed that reflects the role of RTGs and how they... Read More about Re-enactment in Lighter Dark Tourism: An Exploration of Re-enactor Tour Guides and Their Perspectives on Creating Visitor Experiences.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of the organisations of persons with disabilities (2022)
Journal Article
Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Burova, O., Nazarenko, V., & Polishchuk, O. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of the organisations of persons with disabilities. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2022(2), 177-186.

Згідно з даними Національної соціальної служби та Пенсійного фонду, в Україні станом на початок 2021 року було зареєстровано щонайменше 2 724 100 осіб з інвалідністю. Утім, фактичні цифри можуть бути вищими через брак достовірної докладної статистики... Read More about The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of the organisations of persons with disabilities.