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Outputs (4)

The Applicability of Autopoietic Cybernetics in Humanitarian Supply Chain Thinking (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Duddy, D., Weaver, M., & Stantchev, D. (2022, September). The Applicability of Autopoietic Cybernetics in Humanitarian Supply Chain Thinking. Presented at Logistics Research Network Conference, Supply Chain Innovation: People, Process, Technology, Birmingham, UK

Purpose: This research examines whether an autopoietic cybernetic model can assist in achieving greater
effectiveness and efficiency in the humanitarian supply chain paradigm. It examines the extent to which a holistic view
is taken during humani... Read More about The Applicability of Autopoietic Cybernetics in Humanitarian Supply Chain Thinking.

Grand Challenges and OR: the Cost of Living Crisis (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Weaver, M. (2022, September). Grand Challenges and OR: the Cost of Living Crisis. Presented at OR64: OR For a Better World Together, University of Warwick

Each year we pose a “grand challenge” to provide an opportunity to identify how OR can be used to help solve real-world issues in our host city region, the UK and beyond. We have not been short of challenges in the past, be it the climate emergency,... Read More about Grand Challenges and OR: the Cost of Living Crisis.

The Build for Purpose Canvas (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Weaver, M., Fonseca, A., & Tan, H. (2022, September). The Build for Purpose Canvas. Paper presented at OR64 The Annual Operational Research Conference, University of Warwick

The paper proposes the “Build for Purpose Canvas” (B4PC) to help organisations to put purpose at the heart of their business, build meaningful relationships with communities and amplify impact by co-creating solutions to common issue(s) of concern wh... Read More about The Build for Purpose Canvas.

Integrating lean concepts in smallholder farming to catalyze sustainable agriculture for food security in Trinidad, WI (2022)
Book Chapter
Roop, R., Weaver, M., Broatch, R., & St. Martin, C. (2022). Integrating lean concepts in smallholder farming to catalyze sustainable agriculture for food security in Trinidad, WI. In W. Leal Filho, E. Popkova, & M. Kovaleva (Eds.), Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security (283-309). Springer

The development for sustainable smallholder farming is not a transparent and replicable procedure because the agricultural sector focuses primarily on productivity with minimum attention on lean management as a sustainability strategy. Currently, the... Read More about Integrating lean concepts in smallholder farming to catalyze sustainable agriculture for food security in Trinidad, WI.