Post-Disaster Post-Conflict Emergency Shelters: A Holistic Approach
Presentation / Conference Contribution
D'Amico, B., Pomponi, L., Montaruli, M., Alshawawreh, L., Snaddon, S., Moghayedi, A., Windapo, A., Sibanda, G., & Pomponi, F. (2019, September). Post-Disaster Post-Conflict Emergency Shelters: A Holistic Approach. Poster presented at RISE Awards 2019, Ipswich, UK
The constrained environment dominating Post-disaster Post-sheltering design solutions often results in a lack of consideration of sustainability and social dimensions. Neglecting sustainability has severe practical consequences on both people and the... Read More about Post-Disaster Post-Conflict Emergency Shelters: A Holistic Approach.