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Outputs (343)

WaveTrace Demo at the Dutch Design Week (2017)
Exhibition / Performance
Verweij, D., Abreu Esteves, A., Khan, V., & Bakker, S. WaveTrace Demo at the Dutch Design Week. Exhibited at Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 21 October 2017 - 29 October 2017

Every design has its own story, a story about ideas, exploring, decisions and adaptations. During Mind the Story, the lecture program that accompanies Mind the Step, the focus is on people involved in the design process. As user, client, organization... Read More about WaveTrace Demo at the Dutch Design Week.

SmoothMoves: smooth pursuits head movements for augmented reality. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abreu Esteves, A., Verweij, D., Suraiya, L., Islam, R., Lee, Y., & Oakley, I. (2017, October). SmoothMoves: smooth pursuits head movements for augmented reality. Presented at 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology

SmoothMoves is an interaction technique for augmented reality (AR) based on smooth pursuits head movements. It works by computing correlations between the movements of on-screen targets and the user’s head while tracking those targets. The paper pres... Read More about SmoothMoves: smooth pursuits head movements for augmented reality..

A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Essa, A., Al-Dubai, A. Y., Romdhani, I., & Esriaftri, M. A. (2017, May). A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs. Presented at 2017 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)

Although energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has been investigated widely, it is still a challenging dilemma. Clustering mechanisms are among the most widely recommended approaches to sustaining a network throughout its lifetime. Des... Read More about A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs.

Performance Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ukwandu, E., Buchanan, W. J., & Russell, G. (2017, June). Performance Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System. Presented at 2017 International Conference On Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (Cyber SA)

There are many risks in moving data into public storage environments, along with an increasing threat around large-scale data leakage. Secret sharing scheme has been proposed as a keyless and resilient mechanism to mitigate this, but scaling through... Read More about Performance Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System.

Multimedia Performance Installation with Virtual Reality (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lee, C. (2017, October). Multimedia Performance Installation with Virtual Reality. Presented at 2017 International Computer Music Conference, Shanghai, China

This paper presents an interdisciplinary approach for incorporating computer music and virtual reality (VR) practices into a multimedia performance installation. The approach makes use of the complete surrounding virtual environment made available by... Read More about Multimedia Performance Installation with Virtual Reality.

Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics? (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2016, October). Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?. Presented at IATEFL ESP SIG International Conference, Athens, Greece

In our presentation for the IATEFL ESP-SIG in Athens our intention was to create ‘wobble’ and genuine dialogue around the issue of the importance of ‘context’ in relation to corpus linguistics. We believe we failed to achieve this, as illustrated by... Read More about Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?.

Insider threat detection using principal component analysis and self-organising map (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Moradpoor, N., Brown, M., & Russell, G. (2017, October). Insider threat detection using principal component analysis and self-organising map. Presented at Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks - SIN '17, India

An insider threat can take on many aspects. Some employees abuse their positions of trust by disrupting normal operations, while others export valuable or confidential data which can damage the employer's marketing position and reputation. In additio... Read More about Insider threat detection using principal component analysis and self-organising map.

A framework for data security in cloud using collaborative intrusion detection scheme (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nagar, U., Nanda, P., He, X., & Tan, Z. (. (2017, October). A framework for data security in cloud using collaborative intrusion detection scheme. Presented at Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks - SIN '17, Jaipur, India

Cloud computing offers an on demand, elastic, global network access to a shared pool of resources that can be configured on user demand. It offers a unique pay-as-you go feature which is based on measured usage and can be compared to other utility se... Read More about A framework for data security in cloud using collaborative intrusion detection scheme.

A methodology for the security evaluation within third-party Android Marketplaces (2017)
Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Chiale, S., & Macfarlane, R. (2017). A methodology for the security evaluation within third-party Android Marketplaces. Digital Investigation, 23, 88-98.

This paper aims to evaluate possible threats with unofficial Android marketplaces, and geo localize the malware distribution over three main regions: China, Europe; and Russia. It provides a comprehensive review of existing academic literature about... Read More about A methodology for the security evaluation within third-party Android Marketplaces.

For Flux Sake: The Confluence of Socially- and Biologically-Inspired Computing for Engineering Change in Open Systems (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pitt, J., & Hart, E. (2017, September). For Flux Sake: The Confluence of Socially- and Biologically-Inspired Computing for Engineering Change in Open Systems. Presented at 2017 IEEE 2nd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W)

This position paper is concerned with the challenge of engineering multi-scale and long-lasting systems, whose operation is regulated by sets of mutually-agreed, conventional rules. The core of the problem is that there are multiple, inter-dependent... Read More about For Flux Sake: The Confluence of Socially- and Biologically-Inspired Computing for Engineering Change in Open Systems.

Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Deakin, M., Mora, L., & Reid, A. (2017, October). Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation. Presented at 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development

Smart specialisation can be considered an entrepreneurial discovery process which makes it possible to identify where regions can benefit from specialising in specific areas of science and technology. The European Commission suggests the development... Read More about Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation.

‘Don’t be serious, sabai-sabai สบายสบาย’: How Members of an English Conversation Club at a Thai University do Interculturality (2017)
Book Chapter
Victoria, M. ‘Don’t be serious, sabai-sabai สบายสบาย’: How Members of an English Conversation Club at a Thai University do Interculturality. In Discourse and Interculturality

The current investigation explores interculturality by looking at the language practices of a culturally and linguistically diverse group of postgraduate students from China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. As members of an English conv... Read More about ‘Don’t be serious, sabai-sabai สบายสบาย’: How Members of an English Conversation Club at a Thai University do Interculturality.

Dual-band planar inverted F-L antenna structure for bluetooth and ZigBee applications (2017)
Book Chapter
See, C. H., Oguntala, G. A., Shuaieb, W., Noras, J. M., & Excell, P. S. (2018). Dual-band planar inverted F-L antenna structure for bluetooth and ZigBee applications. In I. Elfergani, A. Hussaini, J. Rodriguez, & R. Abd-Alhameed (Eds.), Antenna Fundamentals for Legacy Mobile Applications and Beyond (39-52). Springer.

This chapter will present and analyse a compact and dual frequency inverted L-F antennas for the operating frequency bands to meet the requirement for IEEE 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth and ZigBee standards; the optimal design providing a compromise between... Read More about Dual-band planar inverted F-L antenna structure for bluetooth and ZigBee applications.

Compact wideband printed MIMO/diversity monopole antenna for GSM/UMTS and LTE applications (2017)
Book Chapter
See, C. H., Saleh, A., Alabdullah, A. A., Hameed, K., Abd-Alhameed, R. A., Jones, S., & Majeed, A. H. (2018). Compact wideband printed MIMO/diversity monopole antenna for GSM/UMTS and LTE applications. In I. Elfergani, A. Hussaini, J. Rodriguez, & R. Abd-Alhameed (Eds.), Antenna Fundamentals for Legacy Mobile Applications and Beyond (191-209). Springer.

Over the last decade, significant research effort has been devoted to enhance the isolation between multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna elements. This has led to offer several solutions, which in terms of band calcifications may be categori... Read More about Compact wideband printed MIMO/diversity monopole antenna for GSM/UMTS and LTE applications.

Analysis of the adoption of security headers in HTTP (2017)
Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Helme, S., & Woodward, A. (2018). Analysis of the adoption of security headers in HTTP. IET Information Security, 12(2), 118-126.

With the increase in the number of threats within Web-based systems, a more integrated approach is required to ensure the enforcement of security policies from the server to the client. These policies aim to stop man-in-the-middle attacks, code injec... Read More about Analysis of the adoption of security headers in HTTP.

Schmuckmachen im 21. Jahrhundert (2017)
Exhibition / Performance
Vones, K. Schmuckmachen im 21. Jahrhundert. Exhibited at Vienna. 5 October 2017 - 12 November 2017

This exhibition took place in Gallery V&V in Vienna and was curated by Birgit Laken and Anarkik3D founder Ann Marie Shillito on a theme od 3D printed jewellery

Calibration model for detection of potential demodulating behaviour in biological media exposed to RF energy (2017)
Journal Article
See, C. H., Abd-Alhameed, R. A., Ghani, A., Ali, N. T., Excell, P. S., McEwan, N. J., & Balzano, Q. (2017). Calibration model for detection of potential demodulating behaviour in biological media exposed to RF energy. IET Science, Measurements and Technology, 11(7), 900-906.

Potential demodulating ability in biological tissue exposed to radio-frequency (RF) signals intrinsically requires an unsymmetrical diode-like non-linear response in tissue samples. This may be investigated by observing possible generation of the sec... Read More about Calibration model for detection of potential demodulating behaviour in biological media exposed to RF energy.

Current technologies and location based services (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ahmad, I., Asif, R., Abd-Alhameed, R., Alhassan, H., Elmegri, F., Noras, J., See, C., Obidat, H., Shuaieb, W., Riberio, J., Hameed, K., Alabdullah, A., Ali, A., Bin Melha, M., Al Khambashi, M., Migdadi, H., Child, M., Al-Sadoon, M., Abdussalam, F., Dunjuma, I., …Jones, S. (2017, September). Current technologies and location based services. Presented at 2017 Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA), Wrexham

This paper examines the benefits and drawbacks of these services, reviewing differences in infrastructure, power requirements, sensing devices, and other factors. Technologies covered include Radio Frequency Identification, GSM, GPS, A-GPS, Smart Ant... Read More about Current technologies and location based services.