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WaveTrace Demo at the Dutch Design Week

Verweij, David; Abreu Esteves, Augusto; Khan, Vassilis-Javed; Bakker, Saskia


David Verweij

Augusto Abreu Esteves

Vassilis-Javed Khan

Saskia Bakker


David Verweij


Every design has its own story, a story about ideas, exploring, decisions and adaptations. During Mind the Story, the lecture program that accompanies Mind the Step, the focus is on people involved in the design process. As user, client, organization and company. You will get to know their story and the various steps in the design process.

Designers and researchers whose story covers the cross-fertilization between technology, research and design and who like to share their thoughts with the audience are invited to present in the Mind the Story program, taking place in the Mind the Step exhibition in the same period as the exhibition.


Verweij, D., Abreu Esteves, A., Khan, V., & Bakker, S. WaveTrace Demo at the Dutch Design Week. Exhibited at Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 21 October 2017 - 29 October 2017

Exhibition Performance Type Exhibition
Start Date Oct 21, 2017
End Date Oct 29, 2017
Deposit Date Jul 21, 2017
Keywords " Mind the Story", "Mind the Step", design process,
Public URL