Emergence Networking event
Feb 20, 2024
Location Nottingham University Description Network event for EMERGENCE Project. Review of projects on assistive healthcare for older adults. I attended this event to seek feedback on proposals for PhD students and to seek collaborators for preparing either a Wellcome early career or EPSRC New Investigator award. People Jp Vargheese
Events (2)
Why Public Libraries? An Art Exhibition for Refugee Festival Scotland 2022
Jun 17, 2022
Location Wester Hailes Public Library, Edinburgh. Description This project was part of a larger PhD study about the relationship between culture and public library use. This portion of the project was used creative research methods and co-production techniques to develop the exhibition's content. The exhibition had the goal of showcasing refugee and asylum seeker perspectives of the public library. The end product sparked conversation and understanding among community members, emphasising the importance of public libraries. People Rachel Salzano