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Outputs (403)

The battle for civilisation in Gibbon’s science fiction (2015)
Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (2015). The battle for civilisation in Gibbon’s science fiction. In S. Lyall (Ed.), The International Companion to Lewis Grassic Gibbon (119-132). Association for Scottish Literary Studies

No abstract available.

Live Projects, Risk versus Reward (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gray, A. (2015, July). Live Projects, Risk versus Reward. Paper presented at The Generation and Regeneration of Books

The 23rd annual SHARP conference was be held in Longueuil/Montreal (Canada), Tuesday, 7 July, to Friday, 10 July 2015. Hosted by the Groupe de recherches et d'études sur le livre au Québec, the University of Sherbrooke, McGill University and the Bibl... Read More about Live Projects, Risk versus Reward.

'Femme Publique':The brothel sex worker as anti-Flaneuse in the television series Maison Close. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Artt, S. (2015, July). 'Femme Publique':The brothel sex worker as anti-Flaneuse in the television series Maison Close. Paper presented at Tranforming Cities

Maison Close offers us the sex worker as anti-flâneuse, a woman whose movement is thoroughly circumscribed by the walls of the brothel and yet is defined by her license as a 'public woman' whose movements and dress are highly codified by 19th century... Read More about 'Femme Publique':The brothel sex worker as anti-Flaneuse in the television series Maison Close..

Scalpel and Metaphor: The Ceremony of Organ Harvest in Gothic Science Fiction (2015)
Journal Article
Wasson, S.-P. (2015). Scalpel and Metaphor: The Ceremony of Organ Harvest in Gothic Science Fiction. Gothic Studies, 17(1), 104-123.

In organ transfer, tissue moves through a web of language. Metaphors reclassify the tissue to enable its redeployment, framing the process for practitioners and public. The process of marking off tissue as transferrable in legal and cultural terms pa... Read More about Scalpel and Metaphor: The Ceremony of Organ Harvest in Gothic Science Fiction.

‘Ethics, discourse, experience’. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neill, C. (2015, May). ‘Ethics, discourse, experience’. Presented at Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland

Doctor Moreau’s Pink Rabbits (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2015, April). Doctor Moreau’s Pink Rabbits. Paper presented at British Society for Literature and Science annual conference, Liverpool University

‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’ (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neill, C. (2015, March). ‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’. Presented at Manchester University, Discursive Practice Workshop

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Embarking from Beckett's famous lines from Worstward Ho, this paper considers the import of the quotation in context to dispel the commonplace motivational reading of the quota... Read More about ‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’.

Introduction: Amorality Tale (2015)
Book Chapter
Bishop, D. (2015). Introduction: Amorality Tale. In Doctor Who: Amorality Tale (v-viii). BBC Books

A new introduction written for the new edition of Doctor Who: Amorality Tale, published by BBC Books in 2015 as part of The History Collection. The novel was originally published by BBC Books in 2002.

The Homing Bird (2014)
Newspaper / Magazine
Fraser, B. (2014). The Homing Bird

Convict Voices: Women, Class and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England (2014)
Schwan, A. (2014). Convict Voices: Women, Class and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England. University of New Hampshire Press

In this lively study of the development and transformation of voices of female offenders in nineteenth-century England, Anne Schwan analyzes a range of colorful sources, including crime broadsides, reform literature, prisoners' own writings about imp... Read More about Convict Voices: Women, Class and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England.

'Kraken'. (2014)
Book Chapter
Alder, E. (2014). 'Kraken'. In J. Weinstock (Ed.), The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing

'Sea Monsters'. (2014)
Book Chapter
Alder, E. (2014). 'Sea Monsters'. In J. Weinstock (Ed.), The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing

Journal of Stevenson Studies. (2014)
Dryden, L., & Watson, R. (2014). Journal of Stevenson Studies. Stirling Centre for Scottish Studies

Issue 11 of the Journal of Stevenson Studies, edited by Linda Dryden and Rory Watson, has now been published.

A.P.C.Ray: A Renaissance Man. (2014)
Book Chapter
Fraser, B. (2014). A.P.C.Ray: A Renaissance Man. In Sir P.C.Ray: The Father of Indian Chemistry, Phlanthropist and Entrepreneur. Indian Science News Association

Without ground: Lacanian ethics and the assumption of subjectivity. (2014)
Neill, C. (2014). Without ground: Lacanian ethics and the assumption of subjectivity. Palgrave Macmillan

In this new paperback edition, Calum Neill explores the ideas of Jacques Lacan to present a powerful argument for an approach to ethics which is neither rooted in a traditional morality nor reduced to a relativism, an ethics, that is, which is withou... Read More about Without ground: Lacanian ethics and the assumption of subjectivity..