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‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’

Neill, Calum



"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Embarking from Beckett's famous lines from Worstward Ho, this paper considers the import of the quotation in context to dispel the commonplace motivational reading of the quotation in favour of a reading which speaks more directly to the experience of failure which is core to the exercise of discourse analysis.


Neill, C. (2015, March). ‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’. Presented at Manchester University, Discursive Practice Workshop

Presentation Conference Type Keynote
Conference Name Manchester University, Discursive Practice Workshop.
Start Date Mar 12, 2015
End Date Mar 12, 2015
Deposit Date May 11, 2017
Keywords Discourse, failure, Beckett,
Public URL