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Outputs (35)

Advocacy in Action: How a university shared reading project reaches homeless readers in Scotland (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gray, A. (2021, March). Advocacy in Action: How a university shared reading project reaches homeless readers in Scotland. Paper presented at AdvanceHE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Online

This paper provides genuine insight into the rationale for an approach to inclusivity that penetrates to the very edges of society. It underpins the need to find better methods to reach readers beyond the boundaries, for whom “books are more importan... Read More about Advocacy in Action: How a university shared reading project reaches homeless readers in Scotland.

Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa (2018)
Journal Article
McCleery, A. (2018). Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 44(3), 507-519.

The title of this essay is taken from the 1975 Penguin African Library revised edition of Antony Martin’s ‘Minding Their Own Business: Zambia’s Struggle against Western Control’. This article exploits archival evidence to highlight Penguin’s distinct... Read More about Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa.

Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions (2018)
Journal Article
Baverstock, A., Steinitz, J., Webster-Henderson, B., Bryars, L., Cairncross, S., Ennis, L., Morris, W., Gray, A., & McLuckie, C. (2018). Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions. Logos, 29(4),

Seeking to improve student enrolment, engagement, and retention, Kingston University began a pre-arrival shared reading scheme in 2014–2015, sending a free book to every student about to start at the university and making copies available to staff in... Read More about Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community: A case study across two institutions.

The Love That Dare Not Solve Pre-Victorian Crimes (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bishop, D. (2017, September). The Love That Dare Not Solve Pre-Victorian Crimes. Paper presented at Criminal Heritage: Crime, Fiction, and History, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK

In recent decades gay and lesbian detectives have emerged as a growing, overt presence in crime fiction. But queer sleuths remain hard to find in historical mystery fiction, especially novels with pre-Victorian settings. Are market considerations or... Read More about The Love That Dare Not Solve Pre-Victorian Crimes.

‘Imperialistic abroad and xenophobic at home’. How does the UK publishing industry plead to these charges? Guilty or not guilty? (2015)
Journal Article
Craighill, S. (2015). ‘Imperialistic abroad and xenophobic at home’. How does the UK publishing industry plead to these charges? Guilty or not guilty?. Journal of European Popular Culture, 6(1), 5-18.

This article examines popular culture and its effect on the European translations market. The dominant position of Anglo-Saxon culture in the global cultural economy has stimulated an imbalance in the flow of translations towards the English-language... Read More about ‘Imperialistic abroad and xenophobic at home’. How does the UK publishing industry plead to these charges? Guilty or not guilty?.

The problem of English language export fiction in Europe (2015)
Journal Article
Craighill, S. (2015). The problem of English language export fiction in Europe. Publishing Research Quarterly, 31(2), 91-101.

Translations from the English language domain are reportedly declining, thus suggesting that there is a counter trend in publishing where Anglophone markets are coexisting more favourably alongside small-nation book trades. This article, however, arg... Read More about The problem of English language export fiction in Europe.

Student beliefs as barriers to articulation (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., & Craighill, S. (2014, October). Student beliefs as barriers to articulation. Presented at IEEE 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Madrid, Spain

Eccles et al.’s ‘Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement Motivation’ (2000) states that ‘an individual’s choice, persistence, and performance can be explained by their beliefs about how well they will do on the activity and the extent to which they val... Read More about Student beliefs as barriers to articulation.

Belonging: Blurring the Boundaries (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., & Craighill, S. (2014, July). Belonging: Blurring the Boundaries. Presented at The European Conference on Education (ECE2014), Brighton

This paper explores Whitchurch’s (2008) notion of the ‘third space’ in the context of articulating students from Further Education to Higher Education. This research appropriates the term ‘third space’ and applies it to the emergent territory occupie... Read More about Belonging: Blurring the Boundaries.

100 Years of Magazine Publishing in Scotland (2013)
Exhibition / Performance
Gray, A. 100 Years of Magazine Publishing in Scotland. Exhibited at Scotland. 24 June 2013 - 19 July 2013

Scotland wide, 24 June until 19 July 2013

Changing audiences: the case of the Penguin "Ulysses". (2011)
Book Chapter
McCleery, A. (2011). Changing audiences: the case of the Penguin "Ulysses". In G. Allen, C. Griffin, & M. O'Connell (Eds.), Readings on audience and textual materiality (131-142). Chatto and Pickering

The influence of duality and Poe’s notion of the ‘bi-part soul’ on the genesis of detective fiction in the Nineteenth-Century (2010)
Craighill, S. The influence of duality and Poe’s notion of the ‘bi-part soul’ on the genesis of detective fiction in the Nineteenth-Century. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis examines the meaning, origin and influence of Edgar Allan Poe’s notion of the ‘Bi-Part Soul’, and the associated theme of duality, in selected texts of nineteenth-century detective fiction. Poe’s detective opus, ‘The Murders in the Rue M... Read More about The influence of duality and Poe’s notion of the ‘bi-part soul’ on the genesis of detective fiction in the Nineteenth-Century.

Merchiston Publishing. (2010)
Digital Artefact
Gray, A. (2010). Merchiston Publishing. [website]

Created and manage public website.

Monthly views c.300

Children's Reading Habits. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gray, A. (2010, September). Children's Reading Habits. Paper presented at Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing

No abstract available.

Scotland's paper industry. (2009)
Book Chapter
Bromage, S., McCleery, A., & Finkelstein, D. (2009). Scotland's paper industry. In H. Williams (Ed.), 500 Years of printing in Scotland. Scottish Print Archival trust

We're trying to get back to normal here: a case-study of David Cronenberg's "A History of Violence" (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bishop, D. (2009, November). We're trying to get back to normal here: a case-study of David Cronenberg's "A History of Violence"

David Cronenberg is arguably one of the world’s most acclaimed cult directors, his films renowned for their depictions of body horror and transgressive outsiders. But five years ago he found himself enduring a run of critically acclaimed flops, with... Read More about We're trying to get back to normal here: a case-study of David Cronenberg's "A History of Violence".