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Outputs (644)

Logistical challenges facing Scottish importers and exporters (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Monios, J. (2016, March). Logistical challenges facing Scottish importers and exporters. Presented at Developing Scotland’s International Seaports: Securing Economic Growth

Presentation delivered at the Developing Scotland’s International Seaports: Securing Economic Growth Conference, 2016.

Accidents involving pedestrians with their backs to traffic or facing traffic: an evaluation of crash characteristics and injuries. (2016)
Journal Article
Chen, P.-L., Jou, R.-C., Saleh, W., & Pai, C.-W. (2016). Accidents involving pedestrians with their backs to traffic or facing traffic: an evaluation of crash characteristics and injuries. Journal of advanced transportation, 50(5), 736-751.

This paper examines pedestrian anatomical injuries and crash characteristics in back-to-traffic and facing-traffic crashes. Pedestrian crashes involving pedestrians walking along streets (i.e. with their backs to traffic or facing traffic) have been... Read More about Accidents involving pedestrians with their backs to traffic or facing traffic: an evaluation of crash characteristics and injuries..

Institutional structure and agency in the governance of spatial diversification of port system evolution in Latin America. (2016)
Journal Article
Wilmsmeier, G., & Monios, J. (2016). Institutional structure and agency in the governance of spatial diversification of port system evolution in Latin America. Journal of Transport Geography, 51, 294-307.

Port development is challenged not only by growing trade flows, but by institutional conditions that are more contextual, exhibiting aspects of both path dependence and contingency. This paper analyses the intersection of two clear trends in the evol... Read More about Institutional structure and agency in the governance of spatial diversification of port system evolution in Latin America..

Spain's energy outlook: A review of PV potential and energy export (2016)
Journal Article
Gago, E., Girard, A., Ordoñez, J., & Muneer, T. (2016). Spain's energy outlook: A review of PV potential and energy export. Renewable Energy, 86, 703-715.

Spain must reduce its energy consumption by 23% and achieve 100% renewable energy in electricity generation by 2030. This paper presents the current energy scenario en Spain, and the outlooks for different renewable options, with special focus on pho... Read More about Spain's energy outlook: A review of PV potential and energy export.

Between path dependency and contingency: New challenges for the geography of port system evolution (2016)
Journal Article
Monios, J., & Wilmsmeier, G. (2016). Between path dependency and contingency: New challenges for the geography of port system evolution. Journal of Transport Geography, 51, 247-251.

Seaports play a critical role as gateways and facilitators of economic interchange and logistics processes and thus have become crucial nodes in globalised production networks andmobility systems. Both the physical port infrastructure and its operati... Read More about Between path dependency and contingency: New challenges for the geography of port system evolution.

From transit systems to models: data representation and collection. (2016)
Book Chapter
Noekel, K., Gentile, G., Nathanail, E., & Fonzone, A. (2016). From transit systems to models: data representation and collection. In G. Gentile, & K. Noekel (Eds.), Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems (235-284). Springer.

This chapter deals with the data that form input and output of passenger route choice models. All information about supply and demand that is relevant to passenger route choice must be captured in a formal way in order to be accessible to mathematica... Read More about From transit systems to models: data representation and collection..

Analysis of groundwater-level response to rainfall and estimation of annual recharge in fractured hard rock aquifers, NW Ireland (2016)
Journal Article
Cai, Z., & Ofterdinger, U. (2016). Analysis of groundwater-level response to rainfall and estimation of annual recharge in fractured hard rock aquifers, NW Ireland. Journal of Hydrology, 535, 71-84.

Despite fractured hard rock aquifers underlying over 65% of Ireland, knowledge of key processes controlling groundwater recharge in these bedrock systems is inadequately constrained. In this study, we examined 19 groundwater-level hydrographs from tw... Read More about Analysis of groundwater-level response to rainfall and estimation of annual recharge in fractured hard rock aquifers, NW Ireland.

Finite-element heat-transfer computations for parallel surfaces with uniform or non-uniform emitting. (2016)
Journal Article
Ivanova, S. M., & Muneer, T. (2016). Finite-element heat-transfer computations for parallel surfaces with uniform or non-uniform emitting. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 8(1), 15102.

Radiation heat transfer has very many applications in building physics. In such studies, one has to deal with radiant energy exchanges between surfaces of different orientation and aspects. Two principal cases that may be cited here are exchanges bet... Read More about Finite-element heat-transfer computations for parallel surfaces with uniform or non-uniform emitting..

A Comparison of Policy Transfer Processes: Different Sustainable Transport Concepts Transferred to and from Different Countries (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mladenovic, L., Plevnik, A., & Rye, T. (2016, January). A Comparison of Policy Transfer Processes: Different Sustainable Transport Concepts Transferred to and from Different Countries. Presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting

Policy transfer is the process of applying a policy, or knowledge that informs a policy, from one setting to another. The European Union (EU) provides the ideal platform for knowledge exchange between member states and its various funding streams for... Read More about A Comparison of Policy Transfer Processes: Different Sustainable Transport Concepts Transferred to and from Different Countries.

Impacts of socio economic factors on perceptions of being safe while using Kuwaiti roads. (2016)
Journal Article
AlSaeid, H., Almutairi, T., Matar, H., Al-Ajmi, F. F., Alrashidi, F. A., Husain, M. A. E., & Saleh, W. (2016). Impacts of socio economic factors on perceptions of being safe while using Kuwaiti roads. World journal of science, technology and sustainable development, 13(1), 56-64.


– The purpose of this paper is to investigate road users attitudes and preferences towards accidents and safety measures in Kuwait. The paper also quantifies impacts of user’s attitudes on the perception of being safe while using roads in... Read More about Impacts of socio economic factors on perceptions of being safe while using Kuwaiti roads..

A comparative range approach using the Real World Drive Cycles and the Battery Electric Vehicle (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Milligan, R., Muneer, T., & Smith, I. (2015, August). A comparative range approach using the Real World Drive Cycles and the Battery Electric Vehicle. Presented at 2015 IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Chennai, India

In the UK, a quarter of all CO2 emissions come from transport and 90% of this comes from road vehicles. According to the UK Government (a) at the end of 2013 there were 35 million vehicles licensed for use on the roads of UK and during 2013, over 430... Read More about A comparative range approach using the Real World Drive Cycles and the Battery Electric Vehicle.

Electric Vehicle Ventilation Using Directly Photovoltaic Powered Fans (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Muneer, T., Kolhe, M. L., Adhikari, S. K., & Smith, I. (2015, September). Electric Vehicle Ventilation Using Directly Photovoltaic Powered Fans. Presented at ITEC India/IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference India

All over the world, transport sector is contributing heavily towards Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The electric vehicles offers an elegant solution in terms of increasing overall efficiency compared with its fossil-fuel counterpart. Furthermore, if... Read More about Electric Vehicle Ventilation Using Directly Photovoltaic Powered Fans.

Assessment of efficiency of air abrasive cleaning on masonry stones and bricks using greyscale Imaging analysis (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reza, H., Zhang, B., & Gupta, N. K. (2015, April). Assessment of efficiency of air abrasive cleaning on masonry stones and bricks using greyscale Imaging analysis. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Construction Engineering (CSCE 2015), Rome, Italy

Advanced greyscale imaging analysis was
conducted using Adobe Photoshop 6 on the surfaces of masonry
stones and clay bricks, taken from old buildings, to accurately
assess the efficiency of building cleaning. Five commonly used
masonry stones and... Read More about Assessment of efficiency of air abrasive cleaning on masonry stones and bricks using greyscale Imaging analysis.

Solar thermal panels and insulated windows. (2015)
Book Chapter
Muneer, T., Gago, E. J., & Skeaping, D. (2015). Solar thermal panels and insulated windows. In I. Stafell, D. J. L. Brett, N. P. Brandon, & A. D. Hawkes (Eds.), Domestic Microgeneration: Renewable and distributed energy technologies, policies and economics (136-162). Routledge

A Competitive Analysis of Chinese Container Ports Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (2015)
Book Chapter
Song, D.-W., & Yeo, G.-T. (2015). A Competitive Analysis of Chinese Container Ports Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. In H. Haralambides (Ed.), Port Management (339-359). Palgrave Macmillan.

Over 20% of the world's container traffic occurs from Asian ports. China's entry into the market has significantly stimulated this process. Since China adopted its liberalised economic policy in the 1970s, its economy has grown at an average rate of... Read More about A Competitive Analysis of Chinese Container Ports Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process.

Performance evaluation of electric vehicle ventilation using directly powered photovoltaic fans (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kolhe, M. L., Muneer, T., Adhikari, S. K., & Smith, I. (2015, April). Performance evaluation of electric vehicle ventilation using directly powered photovoltaic fans. Presented at 2015 IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC)

Electric vehicles have tremendous potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One of the main draw-back of the electric vehicle though is the sourcing of energy for air-conditioning of its cabin space. In this work, a fully instrumented Renault... Read More about Performance evaluation of electric vehicle ventilation using directly powered photovoltaic fans.

Performance analysis of photovoltaic powered dc motor - Propeller system. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kolhe, M., Atlam, O., Muneer, T., & Adhikari, S. K. (2015, February). Performance analysis of photovoltaic powered dc motor - Propeller system. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems

The application of autonomous directly photovoltaic (PV) powered electro-mechanical has received increasing attention for different applications (e.g. PV water pumping, PV powered cooling of arid climate greenhouses, solar vehicles etc). The PV array... Read More about Performance analysis of photovoltaic powered dc motor - Propeller system..

Illegal pedestrian crossing at signalised junctions in urban areas: the impact of spatial factors. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mayeux, A., Lovreglio, R., Saleh, W., & Fonzone, A. (2015, January). Illegal pedestrian crossing at signalised junctions in urban areas: the impact of spatial factors. Presented at Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting

Much has still to be done to increase pedestrian safety. Illegal crossing at signalised junctions may increase the risk of accidents at the intersections where it takes place and induce dangerous habits. Therefore efforts to prevent such a harmful be... Read More about Illegal pedestrian crossing at signalised junctions in urban areas: the impact of spatial factors..