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Outputs (58)

Maritime Policy in the North Sea Region: Application of the Cluster Approach (2013)
Book Chapter
Baird, A., Flitsch, V., Herz, N., & Wolff, J. (2013). Maritime Policy in the North Sea Region: Application of the Cluster Approach. In J. Xu (Ed.), Contemporary Marine and Maritime Policy. Nova Sciences Publishers Inc

The aim of maritime policy is to achieve continued trade development and hence economic growth while ensuring seas and coastal areas are adequately protected. Historically, many policy decisions, not least with regard to maritime transport, were arri... Read More about Maritime Policy in the North Sea Region: Application of the Cluster Approach.

How do we share the benefits of walking and cycling? lessons learned from the Active Access project. (2013)
Book Chapter
O'Dolan, C. (2013). How do we share the benefits of walking and cycling? lessons learned from the Active Access project. In W. Gronau, W. Fischer, & R. Pressl (Eds.), Aspects of Active Travel. How to encourage people to walk or cycle in urban areas (11-30). Verlag MetaGISInfosysteme, Mannheim

The benefits of using walking and cycling as a means of daily transport
are numerous and well documented (Rabl & de Nazelle 2012,
de Nazelle et al 2011, Larkin 2009, Cavill et al. 2008, Saelensminde
2004). Targets for increased active travel are b... Read More about How do we share the benefits of walking and cycling? lessons learned from the Active Access project..

Driving cycle pattern for cars in medium sized city of India. (2013)
Book Chapter
Sinha, S., & Kumar, R. (2013). Driving cycle pattern for cars in medium sized city of India. In A. Fujiwara (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (224). Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies

The regulatory modified Indian driving cycle has uniform acceleration and
deceleration pattern and uniform speed as it is adopted from European driving cycle. In
medium sized city of Patna in India, the driving pattern changes substantially especia... Read More about Driving cycle pattern for cars in medium sized city of India..

Solar energy measurements. (2013)
Book Chapter
Muneer, T., & Tham, Y. W. (2013). Solar energy measurements. In M. Kutz (Ed.), Handbook of Measurment in Science and Engineering (687-726). Wiley

Transportation in African cities: an Institutional perspective. (2012)
Book Chapter
Grieco, M., & Crowther, D. (2012). Transportation in African cities: an Institutional perspective. In N. Brooks, K. Donaghy, & G.-J. Knapp (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Urban Economics and Planning. Oxford University Press.

Transportation in African cities takes place in a context where, with the exception of South Africa, the overall context of regional, national, and continental transport provision and connectivity is poor, and these poor levels of infrastructure supp... Read More about Transportation in African cities: an Institutional perspective..

Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks. (2012)
Book Chapter
Hosseinloo, S. H., Kanturska, U., Fonzone, A., & Bell, M. G. H. (2012). Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks. In E. Garbolino, M. Tkiouat, N. Yankevich, & D. Lachtar (Eds.), Transport of Dangerous Goods : Methods and Tools for Reducing the Risks of Accidents and Terrorist Attack (151-165). (Garbolino, Emmanuel; Tkiouat, Mohamed; Yankevich, Natalia; Lachtar, Dalanda). BMC.

An international dimension: shipping. (2012)
Book Chapter
Cullinane, K. (2012). An international dimension: shipping. In L. Chapman, & T. J. Ryley (Eds.), Transport and Climate Change (65-104). Emerald Publishing.

Purpose – The shipping industry is generally recognised as having better fuel efficiency than other transport modes. In many regions of the world, therefore, policy has promoted shipping as the preferred freight transport mode of choice. In recent ye... Read More about An international dimension: shipping..

Captive and contestable port hinterlands: modelling and visualization using GIS. (2011)
Book Chapter
Kronbak, J., & Cullinane, K. (2011). Captive and contestable port hinterlands: modelling and visualization using GIS. In K. Cullinane (Ed.), International Handbook Of Maritime Economics (348-362). Edward Elgar Publishing

This paper presents the results of a research project using a geographical information system (GIS)-based model to illustrate and asses captive and contestable port hinterlands. Thematic maps can be generated by this model in order to visualize the c... Read More about Captive and contestable port hinterlands: modelling and visualization using GIS..

Travel mode choice. (2011)
Book Chapter
Stradling, S. G. (2011). Travel mode choice. In B. E. Porter (Ed.), Handbook of Traffic Psychology. Academic Press

Young novice drivers and the development of somatic markers for risk on the road. (2011)
Book Chapter
Kinnear, N. A. D., & Stradling, S. G. (2011). Young novice drivers and the development of somatic markers for risk on the road. In D. A. Hennessy (Ed.), Traffic Psychology: An International Perspective (69-85). Nova Science Publishers

The novice driver problem is a worldwide trend that, in the UK, involves one in five newly licensed drivers being crash involved in their first year of driving (Maycock and Forsyth, 1997). Research suggests that both age and inexperience are major fa... Read More about Young novice drivers and the development of somatic markers for risk on the road..