Evolutionary Robotics Research Nominated for Best Paper Award
Jul 15, 2018
Summary Prof. Emma Hart, Dr Andreas Steyven and Prof. Ben Paechter have been nominated for a prestigious best paper award at the GECCO 18, Kyoto, Japan for new work in evolving a diverse team of swarm robots People Emma Hart
Andreas Steyven
Ben PaechterOutputs Evolution of a Functionally Diverse Swarm via a Novel Decentralised Quality-Diversity Algorithm Org Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built EnvironmentResearch Areas Optimisation and learning
Evolutionary Swarm RoboticsThemes AI and Technologies Research Centres/Groups Centre for Algorithms, Visualisation and Evolving Systems URL http://gecco-2018.sigevo.org/index.html/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage