An Oasis backlash, promoting the Pentlands and residents returning to the Old Town What happened when tourism industry leaders met residents to discuss ‘over-tourism’
Nov 12, 2024
Source Edinburgh Inquirer Summary "According to initial findings from a study by Napier University funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh there's a perception in the city of there being 'too many large scale events'.
Dr Louise Todd who is leading on the research told the conference they had heard increasing criticism within the city and a perception of 'top down decisions' with limited community engagement.
The pushback stems largely from large scale music and sporting events being held at times of year that are already busy, or in very busy parts of the city. Dr Todd said communications with local communities about such events and the timing of them doesn't always seem to be considered.
News reports of soaring hotel prices and homeless people being moved out of the city during Taylor Swift's Murrayfield concerts had fueled negative perceptions, Dr Todd added.
One solution cited in the study is dispersing major events and festivals, both to different parts of the city and to less busy times, in order to tackle key concerns such as crowds packing out the historic centre during August.
The study also found the benefits of tourism and events need to better communicated, including discounted festival tickets for residents. But Dr Todd said more clarity was needed on the extent of any so-called 'overtourism' and how to measure it impact on Edinburgh."Linked Funders RSE Royal Society of Edinburgh People Louise Todd Projects Staycations, localisation, community and place-making: Edinburgh as a destination in tourism recovery Research Areas Tourism
Festivals and EventsThemes Culture and Communities
EnvironmentResearch Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre URL