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Outputs (13)

Science Communication Through Poetry (2022)
Digital Artefact
Illingworth, S. (2022). Science Communication Through Poetry. [Blog]

Science and poetry are both used to understand human nature and our world. Why not combine their strengths?

From science to stanzas – The role of poetry in research communication (2022)
Digital Artefact
Illingworth, S. (2022). From science to stanzas – The role of poetry in research communication. [Blog]

Poetry can be perceived as the antithesis of science, indicative of a non-rational mode of thought, and famously banished from Plato’s ideal republic. However, as a form of communication poetry presents a unique way of engaging audiences and empoweri... Read More about From science to stanzas – The role of poetry in research communication.

#NapierBigRead (2017)
Digital Artefact
Gray, A. (2017). #NapierBigRead. [website, facebook, instagram, twitter]

Created and manage website.
c.2,000 views since creation (Dec 2017)
360º social media portfolio: website, facebook, instagram, twitter

Assessment workshops: ‘feeding forward, backward and side-to-side’. (2016)
Digital Artefact
Urquhart, E. (2016). Assessment workshops: ‘feeding forward, backward and side-to-side’. []

As practitioners, we are constantly aware of the importance of proactively feeding-forward into assessment whilst also using feedback assessments to help shape tailored support. As a conduit for this, I run a dedicated ‘assessment workshop’ for every... Read More about Assessment workshops: ‘feeding forward, backward and side-to-side’..

The flexible curriculum toolkit. (2014)
Digital Artefact
Caddell, M. (2014). The flexible curriculum toolkit. [Website - Enhancement Themes]

The Flexible Curriculum toolkit web-site is designed to support programme teams to develop and enhance practice in flexible curricula.

The toolkit has used the Viewpoints methodology as a basis. We chose this methodology as we believe it is a prac... Read More about The flexible curriculum toolkit..

Developing and Supporting the Curriculum : Curriculum: Directions, decisions and debate (2012)
Digital Artefact
Fotheringham, J., Strickland, K., & Aitchison, K. (2012). Developing and Supporting the Curriculum : Curriculum: Directions, decisions and debate. [Electronic document]

This paper provides an overview of the factors which may effect, stimulate or be the cause of curriculum changes in higher education in Scotland. This overview leads to a series of questions which could be used to encourage debate within and across i... Read More about Developing and Supporting the Curriculum : Curriculum: Directions, decisions and debate.

Assessment App
Digital Artefact
Cochrane, R. Assessment App. [Concept storyboard artwork]

Digital Assessment system