Dr Jennifer Murray J.Murray2@napier.ac.uk
Associate Professor
Law enforcement and public health: Assessing risk and vulnerability
People Involved
Dr Elizabeth Aston L.Aston@napier.ac.uk
Prof Nadine Dougall N.Dougall@napier.ac.uk
Dr Andrew Wooff A.Wooff@napier.ac.uk
Associate Professor
Prof Inga Heyman I.Heyman@napier.ac.uk
Associate Professor
Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Enang, I., Murray, J., Dougall, N., Aston, E., Wooff, A., Heyman, I., & Grandison, G. (2022). Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review. Policing and Society, 32(4), 540-559. https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2021.1927025Assessing vulnerability is an international priority area across law enforcement and public health (LEPH). Most contacts with frontline law enforcement professions now relate to ‘vulnerability’; frontline health responders are experiencing a similar... Read More about Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review.