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Project Description

FOCAS is a coordination action in the area of collective adaptive systems. It provides increased visibility to the research carried out by projects funded by the FOCAS FET Proactive Initiative and others in research fields related to collective adaptive systems. The primary role of the project is to integrate, coordinate and disseminate

Its objectives are as follows:

• to help coordinate and improve communication between the research projects funded under the FET FOCAS Proactive Initiative

• to strengthen research collaboration between members of these FOCAS research projects and international researchers in the areas covered by collective and adaptive systems, ensuring that scientific ideas are expanded beyond national and regional boundaries

• to help train a new generation of researchers, extending the demand for teaching and learning in these fields within universities and research centres

• to extend the public visibility of FOCAS research, and its expected societal impact in a manner
which can be accessible to all in a well-informed debate

• to stimulate improved collaboration between research fields to identify new and emerging research areas, in particular to provide the means which allow individuals to consider new methods or new insights for designing collective adaptive systems

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) European Commission
Value £639,999.00
Project Dates Jan 1, 2013 - Feb 28, 2016

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