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Actions demonstrate how Park4SUMP will lead to achieve sustainable transport in urban areas by strategically integrating innovative parking management solutions into SUMP policies

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Project Description

Parking management should be an important part of sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP) but unfortunately, it is one
the most underdeveloped segments. Most EU member states lack national level policy and guidance on parking.
PARK4SUMP aims to change this, because good parking management has proved to be of utmost importance. It frees the
public space, supports local businesses, reduces search travel, generates revenue, increases safety, supports urban
planning and can make cities more attractive. The general concept is to take the very best parking management examples,
contexts and expertise in Europe, learn and profit from these, and transfer them on a large scale and in the best way
possible to new cities . This covers raising awareness and gaining acceptance among relevant stakeholders; building
capacity, particularly among cities that have difficulty in picking up such policies; stimulating further innovation; and achieving
wide roll-out and transferability. Park4SUMP will work on traffic and travel avoidance; it will support less car dependent
lifestyles and put into practise innovations in planning and location policy. It will also optimise the use of existing
infrastructure. Furthermore the modal shift towards more efficient modes like walking, cycling and public transport will be
encouraged. Convincing arguments to incorporate parking management can be given : it has low costs, it pays for itself, it
delivers money, it is easy to implement and to modify and it can be done in incremental steps. The main expected impact will
be cities with strongly improved parking policies that are creatively used to improve the quality of life and business in cities
and develop the cities in a more sustainable way. Park4SUMP aims to establish parking management as an essential part
of SUMPS of its leading, follower and external follower cities. Park4SUMP will deliver behaviour change whilst generating
The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769072

Type of Project P02 - Research - EU Framework Programmes
Project Acronym Park4SUMP
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) European Commission
Value £187,417.00
Project Dates Sep 1, 2018 - Oct 31, 2022

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