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Effects of multimodal prehabilitation on patients with colorectal cancer

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Project Description

Exercise adherence in cancer patients is influenced by demographic, clinical, psychological, physical and environmental factors (Kampshoff et al., 2014). A multimodal personalised approach incorporating nutritional support, motivational interviewing (MI) and activity tracking, that is remotely delivered and implemented immediately upon diagnosis may be superior to optimising the short wait times.
Effective multimodal resistance-based HITT prehabilitation may improve treatment options, and in particular, may warrant delaying high-risk surgery in order to fully optimise patients.

The aim of this project is twofold:
1. Systematically review and meta-analyse the current evidence of multimodal HITT prehabilitation effects on surgical risk factors in colorectal cancer patients and,
2. Design and deliver a novel multimodal prehabilitation intervention that involves resistance-based HIIT, pelvic floor training, breathing techniques, Motivational Interviewing and nutritional support for
colorectal cancer patients.

Type of Project P09 - Research Studentship
Status Project Live
Funder(s) PAL Technologies Ltd
Value £7,899.00
Project Dates Oct 1, 2023 - Sep 30, 2024
Partner Organisations PAL Technologies Ltd

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