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Platform to platform: an investigation into audience engagement with digitised archives and its transformative impact across different online formats

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Selected poems: Lorna Lloyd (2022)
Ryan, B., & Hall, H. (Eds.). (2022). Selected poems: Lorna Lloyd. Edinburgh Napier University

This volume comprises 37 poems by Lorna Lloyd (1914-1942) arranged by date of composition: 1928-1930 (11); early 1930s (11); mid to late 1930s (10); early 1940s (5). It was produced as an output of the AHRC Creative Informatics 'Platform to platform'... Read More about Selected poems: Lorna Lloyd.

Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022, August). Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format. Paper presented at Archives and Records Association Annual Conference 2022, Chester, UK

We report the findings of a research project funded by the AHRC, with support of the BBC, British Library, and a community museum. This exploits, augments, and exhibits a set of existing archive data by transforming a young woman’s personal testimony... Read More about Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format.

E06 - 'Diary of the war' episode 6 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E06 - 'Diary of the war' episode 6. [Podcast]

This is episode 6 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers mid-May to early August 1940.

E05 - 'Diary of the war' episode 5 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E05 - 'Diary of the war' episode 5. [Podcast]

This is episode 5 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers April and early May 1940.

E01 - 'Diary of the war' episode 1 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E01 - 'Diary of the war' episode 1. [Podcast]

This is episode 1 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers early September 1939.

E02 - 'Diary of the war' episode 2 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E02 - 'Diary of the war' episode 2. [Podcast]

This is episode 2 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers mid- to late September 1939.

E03 - 'Diary of the war' episode 3 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E03 - 'Diary of the war' episode 3. [Podcast]

This is episode 3 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers October to November 1939.

E12 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 4 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E12 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 4. [Podcast]

This is episode 4 of Lorna Lloyd’s poetry, a bonus episode of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’. This episode features Lorna’s poetry from the early 1940s.

E07 - 'Diary of the war' episode 7 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E07 - 'Diary of the war' episode 7. [Podcast]

This is episode 7 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers mid-August to mid-December 1940.

E08 - 'Diary of the war' episode 8 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E08 - 'Diary of the war' episode 8. [Podcast]

This is episode 8 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers late December 1940 to February 1942.