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Does Residual Beta Cell Function and Exercise Offer Synergistic Protection Against Hyperglycaemic Induced Circulating Vasoprotective Dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes?

Project Description

For people with T1D, exercise is beneficial, potentially reducing the progression of diabetes-related complications. Many people (up to 80%) with T1D still release small amounts of insulin together with C-peptide, a molecule involved in the creation of insulin, from the pancreas. This may also help protect against diabetes complications, although exactly how is currently unknown. One possible way is through endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), which circulate in the blood and repair blood vessels; with T1D associated with having lower numbers of these important cells. We have recently discovered that individuals who no longer produce any insulin/C-peptide are not able to increase the number of EPCs after exercise, compared to those who still produce insulin/C-peptide from the pancreas. We propose exploring how having some ability to still make insulin/C-peptide may influence how well EPCs work in normal and high blood glucose conditions, and whether this works in combination with exercise.

This study will be based at Newcastle University, with Dr Mark Ross offering technical and intellectual expertise to the project.

The bid is for £19,951, with all consumable costs going to Newcastle University

Type of Project P04 - Research Charities and Trusts
Project Acronym REBEL-CV
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation
Value £0.00
Project Dates Sep 1, 2021 - Aug 31, 2022