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Bike Saddle Design

People Involved

Project Description

With an increased number of people taking to their bikes through the current Covid 19 pandemic and cycling being seen as part of the transport and delivery solutions in the future, particularly when aligned with helping to realise The European Green Deal Objectives (2030) then health and safety concerns for employees’ become more prevalent. The project under consideration can help ensure that employers are demonstrating that they are taking not putting their employees in situations whereby their health could be compromised by issues that we know are caused by poor saddle design. This therefore increases the potential market for this product dramatically, when we can prove that it is an effective solution.
The new innovation here is based on human anatonomical ergonomics information and the design of a bike seat with specific materials and product features that enhance the comfort of the cycling experience for adults

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Scottish Funding Council
Value £5,000.00
Project Dates Jul 30, 2020 - Feb 28, 2021

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