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A new concept of bio-based prestress technology with experimental Proof-of-Concept on Bamboo-Timber composite beams (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., Shen, M., Deng, Y., Andras, P., Sukontasukkul, P., Yuen, T. Y. P., Wong, S. H., Limkatanyu, S., Singleton, I., & Hansapinyo, C. (2023). A new concept of bio-based prestress technology with experimental Proof-of-Concept on Bamboo-Timber composite beams. Construction and Building Materials, 402, Article 132991.

This paper presents a pioneering experimental proof-of-concept study to validate a novel concept of prestress technology that used only pure bio-based composite materials while achieved consistent prestressed stress distribution within the structure... Read More about A new concept of bio-based prestress technology with experimental Proof-of-Concept on Bamboo-Timber composite beams.