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Film Bang 1976-2020 – resilience and sustainability for freelance careers in the screen industries

People Involved

Project Description

This project will identify ways to support progression, resilience and sustainability for freelance careers in the screen industries. The project will investigate the data contained in the Film Bang directory of freelancers working in the Scottish film and television sector (first established in 1976 and then published annually). Drawing on this longitudinal evidence about this freelance community the project will analyse trends over four decades in the development of this sector of the creative industries. These listings provide robust evidence relating to the numbers and composition of freelance production personnel and technicians working in Scotland year by year.

Using quantitative research methods the project aims to interrogate the data and use the listings to present an evidence-based picture of the development of the sector. Drawing on methodologies from previous research (such as the BFI Tracking project) we will code the information in the listings to produce Data Visualization that captures the changing composition of this freelance community of practice (gender, geographic location, job categories and roles (including gender and diversity), and continuity of employment). This will provide information about career pathways that can inform future policies to support freelance talent development.

The project will also use contacts from Film Bang listings for new qualitative research with freelancers from this sector. Informed by the historic information the project can identify and target contributors who have a range of different freelance experiences, some across a long career, others for shorter periods. Using questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews the project will investigate the long-term impact of previous policy interventions and training schemes.

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Arts & Humanities Research Council
Value £35,266.00
Project Dates Mar 1, 2020 - Jan 29, 2021

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