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Dr Coral Hanson's Outputs (58)

For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing (2020)
Neubeck, L., McHale, S., Williamson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., Hanson, S., & Hanson, C. (2020). For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing.

Neubeck, L., McHale, S., Williamson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., & Hanson, C. (2020). For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing. Read More about For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing.

Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19 (2020)
Hanson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., Williamson, C., McHale, S., Hanson, S., & Neubeck, L. (2020). Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19.

Hanson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., Williamson, C., McHale, S., Hanson, S., & Neubeck, L. (2020). Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19. Read More about Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19.

Conducting Evaluation Research with Exercise Referral Schemes as an Insider (2020)
Journal Article
Hanson, C., & Allin, L. (2020). Conducting Evaluation Research with Exercise Referral Schemes as an Insider. Sage Research Methods Cases,

The case study aims to highlight key methodological and ethical challenges faced whilst conducting mixed methods evaluation research as an insider with a senior position in an exercise referral organization. This case derives from a PhD study explori... Read More about Conducting Evaluation Research with Exercise Referral Schemes as an Insider.

Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd-Reynolds, C. J., Nevens, L., Oliver, E. J., Finch, T., Lake, A. A., & Hanson, C. L. (2019). Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK. BMJ Open, 9(10), Article e029718.

Objectives: Stakeholder co-production in design of public health programmes may reduce the ‘implementation gap’ but can be time-consuming and costly. Prototyping, iterative refining relevant to delivery context, offers a potential solution. This eval... Read More about Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK.

A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation (2019)
Journal Article
McHale, S., Astin, F., Neubeck, L., Dawkes, S., & Hanson, C. (2020). A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(1), 31-43.

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is recognised internationally as an effective therapy to improve quality of life and reduce risk of hospital readmission for individuals diagnosed with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Despite this, half of... Read More about A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation.

How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Hanson, C. L., Oliver, E. J., Dodd-Reynolds, C. J., & Allin, L. J. (2019). How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK. BMJ Open, 9(2), Article e024370.

Exercise referral schemes (ERSs) are internationally widespread. This study aimed to gain an insight into differential engagement through understanding participant experiences of patients referred by healthcare professionals to one such... Read More about How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK.

Prototyping in public health practice: Demonstrating a streamlined implementation process with a community based weight management programme (Momenta) (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dodd-Reynolds, C., Nevens, L., Finch, T., Oliver, E., & Hanson, C. (2018, October). Prototyping in public health practice: Demonstrating a streamlined implementation process with a community based weight management programme (Momenta). Poster presented at 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK

Background: While stakeholder co-production may reduce the ‘implementation gap’ in design of public health programmes, it can be time consuming and costly. Prototyping offers a potential solution; we tested its value using a 3-month weight-management... Read More about Prototyping in public health practice: Demonstrating a streamlined implementation process with a community based weight management programme (Momenta).

Evaluation of the Northumberland Exercise on Referral Scheme: Weight loss, physical activity and differential effects between sociodemographic sub-groups in overweight and obese referrals (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dodd-Reynolds, C., Kasim, A., Akhter, N., & Hanson, C. (2018, October). Evaluation of the Northumberland Exercise on Referral Scheme: Weight loss, physical activity and differential effects between sociodemographic sub-groups in overweight and obese referrals. Poster presented at 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK

Introduction: Exercise referral can be offered by health professionals, to inactive individuals with an existing health condition/risk (for example NICE PH54). Policy and evidence fail to consider inequalities in terms of sociodemographic factors at... Read More about Evaluation of the Northumberland Exercise on Referral Scheme: Weight loss, physical activity and differential effects between sociodemographic sub-groups in overweight and obese referrals.

Success, struggle and defeat; narrative typologies of exercise referral experience (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C., Oliver, E., Dodd-Reynolds, C., & Allin, L. (2018, October). Success, struggle and defeat; narrative typologies of exercise referral experience. Presented at 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, UK

Objectives: Exercise referral schemes are an internationally widespread physical activity intervention. This study examined narratives of those referred by health professionals to a scheme recognised as emerging best practice to understand whom this... Read More about Success, struggle and defeat; narrative typologies of exercise referral experience.

A physical activity referral program improves risk factors in those who have completed cardiac rehabilitation. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C., Neubeck, L., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2017, August). A physical activity referral program improves risk factors in those who have completed cardiac rehabilitation. Presented at 65th Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia

Background: On completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR), participants may be referred to community-based physical activity programs. There is limited data to determine additional benefits of these programs supplemental to CR.

Methods: Using longi... Read More about A physical activity referral program improves risk factors in those who have completed cardiac rehabilitation..

A Physical Activity Referral Program Improves Risk Factors in Those Who Have Completed Cardiac Rehabilitation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C., Neubeck, L., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2017, August). A Physical Activity Referral Program Improves Risk Factors in Those Who Have Completed Cardiac Rehabilitation. Presented at Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand 65th Annual Scientific Meeting Clinical and Preventative Cardiology Symposium, Perth, Australia

Background: On completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR),participants may be referred to community-based physical activity programs. There is limited data to determine additional benefits of these programs supplemental to CR.
Methods: Using l... Read More about A Physical Activity Referral Program Improves Risk Factors in Those Who Have Completed Cardiac Rehabilitation.

Life after cardiac rehabilitation; the benefits of a community-based physical activity program (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C., Neubeck, L., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2017, August). Life after cardiac rehabilitation; the benefits of a community-based physical activity program. Presented at 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association, Perth, Australia

Background: On completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR), participants may be directed to community-based physical activity programs for those with chronic conditions. There is limited data to determine additional benefits of these programs supplemen... Read More about Life after cardiac rehabilitation; the benefits of a community-based physical activity program.

Exercise on referral: evidence and complexity at the nexus of public health and sport policy (2016)
Journal Article
Oliver, E. J., Hanson, C. L., Lindsey, I. A., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. J. (2016). Exercise on referral: evidence and complexity at the nexus of public health and sport policy. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8(4), 731-736.

Exercise on referral schemes (ERS) are recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence for increasing physical activity in inactive patients with long-term health conditions. The current paper critiques a recent extension to ERS provisio... Read More about Exercise on referral: evidence and complexity at the nexus of public health and sport policy.

Evaluating the impact of evidence‐based change within the Northumberland Exercise on Referral Scheme (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hanson, C. (2016, April). Evaluating the impact of evidence‐based change within the Northumberland Exercise on Referral Scheme. Presented at The Third Fuse International Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health

Exercise on referral schemes (ERS) allow health professionals to encourage physical activity (PA) for patients with long‐term conditions. One such scheme is the Northumberland ERS, a 24‐week community‐based supervised PA intervention of primary care... Read More about Evaluating the impact of evidence‐based change within the Northumberland Exercise on Referral Scheme.

An evaluation of the efficacy of the exercise on referral scheme in Northumberland, UK: association with physical activity and predictors of engagement. A naturalistic observation study (2013)
Journal Article
Hanson, C. L., Allin, L. J., Ellis, J. G., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. J. (2013). An evaluation of the efficacy of the exercise on referral scheme in Northumberland, UK: association with physical activity and predictors of engagement. A naturalistic observation study. BMJ Open, 3(8), Article e002849.

Objectives: Exercise on referral schemes (ERS) are widely commissioned in the UK but there is little evidence of their association with physical activity levels. We sought to assess the Northumberland
exercise on referral scheme in terms o... Read More about An evaluation of the efficacy of the exercise on referral scheme in Northumberland, UK: association with physical activity and predictors of engagement. A naturalistic observation study.