Serial Teenager: Ariel Schrag’s Autobiographical Comics
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2013, May). Serial Teenager: Ariel Schrag’s Autobiographical Comics. Paper presented at New Narrative VI: Seeing is Believing Conference, University of Toronto, Canada
Frederik Byrn Køhlert's Outputs (73)
Food & Trembling: An Entertainment, Jonah Campbell, Invisible Publishing, 2011, 232 pages (2013)
Journal Article
Køhlert, F. B. (2013). Food & Trembling: An Entertainment, Jonah Campbell, Invisible Publishing, 2011, 232 pages. CuiZine, 4(1), title of Jonah Campbell’s blog, from which the short essays collected in Food & Trembling have been adapted, is Still Crapulent After All These Years. It is a fitting title, and not only because Campbell’s forays into writing about food more ofte... Read More about Food & Trembling: An Entertainment, Jonah Campbell, Invisible Publishing, 2011, 232 pages.
Stereotyping the Self: Toufic El Rassi’s Arab in America (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2013, March). Stereotyping the Self: Toufic El Rassi’s Arab in America. Paper presented at Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association National Conference, Washington, DC, USA
Autobiographical Constructions: Authorial Absence and Presence in Julie Doucet and Michel Gondry’s Comics/Video Hybrid My New New York Diary (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2013, January). Autobiographical Constructions: Authorial Absence and Presence in Julie Doucet and Michel Gondry’s Comics/Video Hybrid My New New York Diary. Paper presented at Modern Language Association Convention, Boston, USA
Female grotesques: carnivalesque subversion in the comics of Julie Doucet (2012)
Journal Article
Køhlert, F. B. (2012). Female grotesques: carnivalesque subversion in the comics of Julie Doucet. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 3(1), 19-38. comics of Julie Doucet can be productively interpreted in light of Mikhail Bakhtin's exploration of the carnivalesque and its aesthetic expression as grotesque realism. By employing subject matter and a visual style grounded in the grotesque, Dou... Read More about Female grotesques: carnivalesque subversion in the comics of Julie Doucet.
Comics Studies and Film Theory: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2012, June). Comics Studies and Film Theory: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paper presented at Meeting of Nordic Network for Comics Research work group Contesting and Creating Identities and Communities, Oslo, Norway
Ed the Happy Clown: The Definitive Ed Book (2012)
Køhlert, F. B. (2012). Ed the Happy Clown: The Definitive Ed Book. Hackensack, NJ
I Never Liked You: A Comic-Strip Narrative (2012)
Køhlert, F. B. (2012). I Never Liked You: A Comic-Strip Narrative. Hackensack, NJ
The Chicago Literary Experience: Writing the City, 1893-1953 (2011)
Køhlert, F. B. (2011). The Chicago Literary Experience: Writing the City, 1893-1953. Museum Tusculanum PressThe Chicago Literary Experience is a concise literary history of the city of Chicago. Taking as its thematic starting point the city's famous World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, the book provides an account of the city's rapid and in many ways unpr... Read More about The Chicago Literary Experience: Writing the City, 1893-1953.
Drawing in the Margins: Identity and Subjectivity in Contemporary Autobiographical Comics (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2011, October). Drawing in the Margins: Identity and Subjectivity in Contemporary Autobiographical Comics. Paper presented at Inaugural meeting of the Nordic Network for Comics Research, University of Southern Denmark
Working it Through: The Traumatized/Traumatizing Comics of Phoebe Gloeckner (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2011, May). Working it Through: The Traumatized/Traumatizing Comics of Phoebe Gloeckner. Paper presented at New Narrative IV: Image and Spectacle Conference, University of Toronto, Canada
Review of: Contemporary Comics: A Symposium. Denmark: University of Copenhagen, May 21, 2010 (2010)
Journal Article
Køhlert, F. B. (2010). Review of: Contemporary Comics: A Symposium. Denmark: University of Copenhagen, May 21, 2010. International Journal of Comic Art, 12(2/3), 684-687
The Carnivalesque Cartoonist: Strategies of Subversion in the Comics of Julie Doucet (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2010, September). The Carnivalesque Cartoonist: Strategies of Subversion in the Comics of Julie Doucet. Paper presented at Graphic Engagement: The Politics of Comics and Animation Conference, Purdue University, USA