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Frederik Byrn Køhlert's Outputs (73)

Introduction by the Editors (2024)
Book Chapter
Køhlert, F. B. (in press). Introduction by the Editors. In Crossing Lines: Comics about Human Migration. University of Toronto Press

Chester Brown (2024)
Køhlert, F. B. (in press). Chester Brown. University Press of Mississippi

Best known for his alternative comics, Chester Brown (b. 1960) is one of the most acclaimed and influential cartoonists of the last half century. This first biography provides a critical account of Brown’s life and career, highlighting his role in th... Read More about Chester Brown.

Graphic Narratives of Migration (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2023, April). Graphic Narratives of Migration. Paper presented at International Comic Arts Forum, University of British Columbia, Canada

Style (2022)
Køhlert, F. B. (2022). Style. Cham, Switzerland

Close-up (2022)
Køhlert, F. B. (2022). Close-up. Cham, Switzerland

Pedagogy (2022)
Køhlert, F. B. (2022). Pedagogy. Cham, Switzerland

Introduction: The Literary History of Chicago (2021)
Book Chapter
Køhlert, F. B. (2021). Introduction: The Literary History of Chicago. In F. Byrn Køhlert (Ed.), Chicago: A Literary History (1-14). Cambridge University Press.

This chapter outlines the literary history of Chicago from the city’s inception to the present day. Guided by the idea of Chicago as the crossroads of modern America, the chapter argues that the city occupies a distinctive place in American literatur... Read More about Introduction: The Literary History of Chicago.

“A Grotesque, Incurable Disease”: Whiteness as Illness in Gabby Schulz’s Sick (2020)
Journal Article
Køhlert, F. B. (2020). “A Grotesque, Incurable Disease”: Whiteness as Illness in Gabby Schulz’s Sick. Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, 4(2), 199-220.

In Sick, his 2016 memoir about suffering from a mysterious illness, Gabby Schulz depicts himself as experiencing extreme pain, which he depicts on the page in the shape of monsters and gargoyles tormenting him. Under the pressure of a rising fever, S... Read More about “A Grotesque, Incurable Disease”: Whiteness as Illness in Gabby Schulz’s Sick.

In the Cards: Collaboration and Comics-Making in the Traditional English Classroom (2020)
Book Chapter
Køhlert, F. B., & Sousanis, N. (2020). In the Cards: Collaboration and Comics-Making in the Traditional English Classroom. In S. E. Kirtley, A. Garcia, & P. E. Carlson (Eds.), With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Comics (226-238). University Press of Mississippi.

Linking theory and practice, Frederik Byrn Køhlert and Nick Sousanis offer myriad examples of what their co-teaching approach with and through comics looks like. Sharing prompts, students’ work, and their pedagogical decisions, Køhlert and Sousanis g... Read More about In the Cards: Collaboration and Comics-Making in the Traditional English Classroom.