Introduction by the Editors
Book Chapter
Køhlert, F. B. (in press). Introduction by the Editors. In Crossing Lines: Comics about Human Migration. University of Toronto Press
Frederik Byrn Køhlert's Outputs (4)
Crossing Lines: Comics about Human Migration (2024)
Køhlert, F. B., Ellermann, A., Leavitt, S., & Paquet, M. (in press). Crossing Lines: Comics about Human Migration. University of Toronto Press
Zoned Out: Fragments of Time, Memory, and Narrative in Julie Doucet’s Time Zone J. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2024, June). Zoned Out: Fragments of Time, Memory, and Narrative in Julie Doucet’s Time Zone J. Paper presented at International Auto/Biography Association World Conference, University of Iceland
Chester Brown (2024)
Køhlert, F. B. (in press). Chester Brown. University Press of MississippiBest known for his alternative comics, Chester Brown (b. 1960) is one of the most acclaimed and influential cartoonists of the last half century. This first biography provides a critical account of Brown’s life and career, highlighting his role in th... Read More about Chester Brown.