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Dr Lina Khaddour's Recognition (41)

ETP Energy Transition Innovation Showcase

Recognition Type Advisory panels and expert committees or witness
Description Invited as a panel member at ETP Energy Transition Innovation Showcase. This event will take place on 22nd March 2024: The Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow, UK.
It felt very good to take a part in the panel on the stage, sharing experience with a very engaged audience from academia and industry. It was also good to meet companies working on energy efficiency and circular related technologies.
Research Areas Energy
Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment

Horizon Scanning: Climate, Energy and Net Zero (national) Help identify topics for future UK government prioritisation. A mission by The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST).

Recognition Type Advisory panels and expert committees or witness
Description Horizon Scanning: Climate, Energy and Net Zero (national) Help identify topics for future UK government prioritisation. A mission by The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST).
Research Areas Energy
Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment

Post-disaster in Malawi

Recognition Type Advisory panels and expert committees or witness
Description Our team would like to invite you to join us in this important project to provide an “ultra” low cost model of eco-house , for very poor countries suffering disasters.
Our project is a Pilot to test three ideas a) ultra low cost wattle and daub b) agriculture techniques for food and income ( e.g vertical cultivation , water saving and permaculture gardens) c) training of villagers in self “build back better”. Incidentally, the CARE report of the last flooding in 2019 from Hurricane Idai in this region , supplied villagers with some tin roofs , some tools, and cash achieving 50 houses for 1550 families .
Research Areas Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment

Champions Forum for Yamen post-conflict reconstruction

Recognition Type Advisory panels and expert committees or witness
Description Invited advisory panel and Keynote Speaker at DeepRoot Consulting ( and co-convenor of the Development Champions Forum for Yamen post-conflict reconstruction (, 2-4 December 2023 in Cairo (virtually).
Research Areas Building Performance
Carbon Emissions
Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment

Building from England’s Woodlands + Transforming Timber Platform Launch

Recognition Type Conference Organising Activity
Description Joining Prof. Robert Hairstans team and the Centre for Advanced Timber Technology at New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering . Taking a part in NMITE Built Environment - Smarter Transformation 12th of July at the Building Centre headquarters of Timber Development UK in London launching of the new Transforming Timber platform for exchanging knowledge on UK sourced timber products for future built environment delivery.
Research Areas Energy
Carbon Emissions
Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment
Research Centres/Groups Engineering Research Group

External Examiner at the University of Edinburgh
2024 - 2028

Recognition Type External Examining/Validations
Description External Examiner for Postgraduate programmes – Future Infrastructure, Climate Change and Sustainability (MSc/PG Cert/PG Dip) for Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI)
The programme(s) for which assigned to me as external examiner are:
1PTMSCFCCOL1F Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
MSc Online Full-time -
1 year
PTMSCFCCOS1F Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
MSc On-Site Full-time -
1 year
PTMSCFCCOL1P Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
MSc Online Part-time -
2 years
PTMSCFCCOS1P Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
MSc On-Site Part-time -
2 years
PTMSCFCCOL1U Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
MSc Online Part-time -
3 years
PTMSCFCCOS1U Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
MSc On-Site Part-time -
3 years
PTPGCFCCOL1P Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
PG Cert Online Part-time -
9 months
PTPGCFCCOS1P Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
PG Cert On-Site Part-time -
9 months
PTPGDFCCOL1U Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
PG Dip Online Part-time -
2 years
PTPGDFCCOS1U Future Infrastructure, Climate
Change and Sustainability
PG Dip On-Site Part-time -
2 years
The course(s) for which you are assigned as external examiner are:
Semester 1:
EFIE11341 Future Infrastructure Climate Change Challenges (fusion on-site)
EFIE11342 Future Infrastructure Climate Change Challenges (fusion online)
EFIE11343 Net Zero Infrastructures (fusion on-site)
EFIE11344 Net Zero Infrastructures (fusion online)
EFIE11345 Transport and Society (fusion on-site)
EFIE11346 Transport and Society (fusion online)
Semester 2:
EFIE11349 Energy and Society (fusion on-site)
EFIE11350 Energy and Society (fusion online)
EFIE11296 Future Food Systems (fusion on-site)
EFIE11297 Future Food Systems (fusion online)
EFIE11347 Future Infrastructure Policy, Innovation and Society (fusion on-site)
EFIE11348 Future Infrastructure Policy, Innovation and Society (fusion online)
EFIE11351 Urban Project: An Introduction (fusion on-site)
EFIE11352 Urban Project: An Introduction (fusion online)
Affiliated Organisations University of Edinburgh
Research Areas Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment

2024-25 Employability Pathways Project Funding Award
2024 - 2025

Recognition Type Fellowships and Awards
Description Housing Construction & Infrastructure (HCI) Skills Gateway
2024-25 Employability Pathways Project Funding Agreement
ENU-NMITE Retrofit Challenge Workshop – Skills Hub
Lead: Dr Lina Khaddour
Total Funding: £8,107
The Housing Construction & Infrastructure (HCI) Skills Gateway will contribute the above funding to support the Retrofit Challenge Workshop Skills Hub, aligned with the
Employability Pathways workstream
Research Areas Building Performance
Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment

Best paper award ICESF
2022 - 2022

Recognition Type Fellowships and Awards
Description ICESF Coventry University 7-8 Sep 2022 Prize for the best paper at the 3ed International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Future (ICESF).

Paper title: Multiple-criteria optimization of residential buildings envelope toward nZEBs: simplified approach for Damascus post-war.
Syria faces significant challenges in optimizing residential building energy consumption to subsequently reduce CO2 emissions due to its conventional construction methods and systems, exacerbated by the recent conflict. Post-war re-construction provides new opportunities for improvement in building standards through the 2009 BIC insulation code towards nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEBs). However, the decline in economy growth poses significant challenges. In this study, we formulate a simplified building envelope selection approach using multi-criterion optimization methodology based on simulated thermal loads using IESVE and cost-energy trade-off. IESVE was used to evaluate the thermal performances of five cases representing 5 different building envelope structures on existing buildings in Damascus, Syria. Four out of the five cases were BIC compliant, and their thermal performances and cost energy trade-offs were evaluated against that of a conventional building representing the construction-as-usual case. Payback on the investment in insulation improvement of the envelope structures were also calculated. The results overall shows that the envelope structures incorporating insulation layer reduced annual heating, cooling, and combined energy loads of those buildings. Comparatively, these improvements were slightly better under winter conditions than in summer. Based on payback period analysis, none of the improvements provided acceptable economical payback within five years, as energy consumption tariffs were extremely low and insulation material costs were extremely high. A Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) framework was developed and applied to the cases investigated. Based on the limitations of the BIC, no optimal solution was obtained. However, the framework provides a good basis for stakeholders to make sound decisions in transitioning buildings especially under post war context towards nZEBs.
Affiliated Organisations Coventry University
Research Areas Environmental Management/Climate change
Building Performance
Research Themes Environment
Org Units School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment

The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity (ICATH 2025). Morocco.

Recognition Type Invited Speaker
Description Keynote speaker at The 7th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity (ICATH 2025) will be held from July 9 to 11, 2025, at the National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA-UIT), part of Ibn Tofaïl University, in Kenitra, Morocco.
This prestigious event is organized in partnership with several leading institutions, including:
•The Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat (UM5-FSR).
•The National Institute of Post and Telecommunications (INPT),
•The National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (INSEA),
•The Ecole Marocaine des Sciences de l'Ingénieur (EMSI),
ICATH 2025 aims to bring together researchers, academics, and industry experts to share their latest innovations and explore emerging technologies addressing critical challenges in diverse domains, contributing to the betterment of humanity.
The conference's goal is to provide a forum for knowledge exchange and sharing, where researchers, experts, and innovators from around the world can present their most recent discoveries and discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with using advanced technologies for the benefit of humanity.
All ICATH’2025 accepted and presented papers are expected to be published by International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange (IEREK) in the indexed SCOPUS book series and by the MDPI Engineering Proceedings (Open Access Journal from MDPI- indexed SCOPUS).
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to high quality journals.
Papers of particular merit will be recommended for possible publication in international indexed journals (SCOPUS, DBLP, Web Of Science). Cognitive Computation journal (SCI impact factor: 5.4), Information security and privacy Journal
Research Areas Environmental Management/Climate change
Research Themes Environment

The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity ICATH 2024 conference. Italy

Recognition Type Invited Speaker
Description 6th edition of The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity ICATH 2024 conference.
This edition well be organized by the Salerno university, Italy 17-18-19 July 2024.
The title of my intervention: Building Back Better: Applying Circular Economy to Post-disaster Sustainable Reconstruction technology through Use of Recycled Waste and Local Sourced Materials

A series of natural and man-made disasters have sharpened our awareness for the requirement for planning for resilience in communities. Research into environmental impacts and resilience of the built environment, including investigation and assessment of multiple intervention strategies for low to positive energy buildings and urban districts is the focus of many institutions. The proposed Strategy for Disaster Resilience promotes a systems approach to resilience that connects with a range of agencies and sectors to deliver improved outcomes.
Research Areas Building Performance
Research Themes Environment

The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity (ICATH 2023). Marocco.

Recognition Type Invited Speaker
Description The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity (ICATH 2023). Marocco.
Organizer: Moroccan Association for Applied Sciences and Innovation (MAASI)
Abstract: The escalation of both natural and man-made disasters globally has led to profound challenges for nations grappling with the aftermath, particularly in the provision of post-disaster emergency shelters. These shelters hold critical significance in disaster risk mitigation and resilience efforts, serving as essential havens for displaced individuals amidst the environmental and socio-economic repercussions of calamities. Despite their significance, post-disaster shelters have faced criticism due to their substantial cost requirements, prolonged construction timelines, inadequate thermal comfort standards, and limited community involvement.
This study conducts a comparative analysis between two types of temporary housing, namely prefabricated and container shelters, utilized in refugee camps in Syria following the conflict. Employing a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach, the study evaluates the performance of these emergency shelters, both sharing the same base area. Energy/carbon analysis and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) calculations were conducted for these shelters. Utilizing the Integrated Environmental Solutions Virtual Environment (IESVE) software, the study assesses the energy performance of both shelter types. The analysis of embodied carbon revealed a marginal increase of 3.89% in the container shelter design compared to prefabricated structures, with values of 2133KgCO2 and 2050 KgCO2, respectively. Additionally, operational emissions for container shelters were observed to be 28% lower than for prefabricated designs, recording 336690KgCO2 and 470505KgCO2, respectively. Moreover, the total cost for prefabricated shelters was determined to be 33.61% higher than that for container shelters. Overall, the comparative LCA energy/emission and costing approach revealed that shipping containers have a reduced environmental impact and lower cost implication compared to prefabricated emergency shelters of similar design.
The recommendation and the criteria developed in this research can serve as a decision-making tool aiding the selection of suitable post-disaster emergency shelters across diverse affected regions globally, incorporating considerations of climatic zones and design parameters.
Research Areas Building Performance
Offsite construction and Innovative Structures
Research Themes Environment
Research Centres/Groups Engineering Research Group
Org Units School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment

International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Futures ICESF.

Recognition Type Invited Speaker
Description International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Futures ICESF. Search within this conference,7-8 September 2022; Coventry University Campus, UK.
Multiple-criteria optimization of residential buildings envelope toward nZEBs
Syria faces significant challenges in optimizing residential building energy consumption to subsequently reduce CO2 emissions due to its conventional construction methods and systems, exacerbated by the recent conflict. Post-war re-construction provides new opportunities for improvement in building standards through the 2009 BIC insulation code towards nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEBs). However, the decline in economy growth poses significant challenges. In this study, we formulate a simplified building envelope selection approach using multi-criterion optimization methodology based on simulated thermal loads using IESVE and cost-energy trade-off. IESVE was used to evaluate the thermal performances of five cases representing 5 different building envelope structures on existing buildings in Damascus, Syria. Four out of the five cases were BIC compliant, and their thermal performances and cost energy trade-offs were evaluated against that of a conventional building representing the construction-as-usual case. Payback on the investment in insulation improvement of the envelope structures were also calculated. The results overall shows that the envelope structures incorporating insulation layer reduced annual heating, cooling, and combined energy loads of those buildings. Comparatively, these improvements were slightly better under winter conditions than in summer. Based on payback period analysis, none of the improvements provided acceptable economical payback within five years, as energy consumption tariffs were extremely low and insulation material costs were extremely high. A Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) framework was developed and applied to the cases investigated. Based on the limitations of the BIC, no optimal solution was obtained. However, the framework provides a good basis for stakeholders to make sound decisions in transitioning buildings especially under post war context towards nZEBs.
Research Areas Environmental Management/Climate change
Building Performance
Research Themes Environment

Leading advisory research group: Building Back Better, Go Green Syria Initiative, Damascus

Recognition Type Pre-Napier Funded Projects
Description Leading advisory research group funded by UNFCCC, Building Back Better, Go Green Syria Initiative, Damascus
▪ Directing a group of consultants in the areas of Environment, engineering business management, Labor, and corruption, and coordinating their activities.
▪ Developing proposals and reviewing sectors reports and writing final project study reports in areas related to; Resources Management, Renewable energy, Environmental Assessment.
▪ Contributing to the design and deliver external programs for employee or public training, which develop the capability of client organisations and provide profitable income.
Research Areas Energy
Environmental Management/Climate change
Offsite construction and Innovative Structures
Research Themes Environment

American University of Beirut AUB, Project title: Evaluating the Feasibility of Building Refugee Shelters

Recognition Type Pre-Napier Funded Projects
Description Leading research project funded by UNDP funded with The American University of Beirut AUB, Project title: Evaluating the Feasibility of Building Refugee Shelters
▪I collaborated with the UNDP and the AUB to form a strategic alliance that aims to enhance the experiences of students through the development of new models of education and research collaboration. The Student-led Activity Scheme provided support of up to a maximum of $15,000 (for expenses incurred by AUB students).
▪ Teaching undergraduate students on translating academic ideas, theories and methodologies into on-the-ground projects in sustainability of buildings, infrastructure and corporate sustainability.
▪ Preparing for the interim reports, data analysis reports and policy recommendations.
▪ Participating as link expert on the knowledge transfer activity and collaborations with industry (eg. Dar Alhandaha, Khateeb and Alami).
Research Areas Building Performance
Offsite construction and Innovative Structures
Research Themes Culture and Communities