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Dr Dimitri Darzentas' Outputs (15)

Sensitive Pictures: Emotional Interpretation in the Museum (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S. D., Sundnes Løvlie, A., Ryding, K., Rajkowska, P., Bodiaj, E., Paris Darzentas, D., Cameron, H., Spence, J., Egede, J., & Spanjevic, B. (2022, April). Sensitive Pictures: Emotional Interpretation in the Museum. Presented at CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA

Museums are interested in designing emotional visitor experiences to complement traditional interpretations. HCI is interested in the relationship between Affective Computing and Affective Interaction. We describe Sensitive Pictures, an emotional vis... Read More about Sensitive Pictures: Emotional Interpretation in the Museum.

Data-inspired co-design for museum and gallery visitor experiences (2022)
Journal Article
Darzentas, D., Cameron, H., Wagner, H., Craigon, P., Bodiaj, E., Spence, J., Tennent, P., & Benford, S. (2022). Data-inspired co-design for museum and gallery visitor experiences. Artificial intelligence for engineering design, analysis and manufacturing : AI EDAM, 36,

The capture and analysis of diverse data is widely recognized as being vital to the design of new products and services across the digital economy. We focus on its use to inspire the co-design of visitor experiences in museums as a distinctive case t... Read More about Data-inspired co-design for museum and gallery visitor experiences.

Gifting in Museums: Using Multiple Time Orientations to Heighten Present-Moment Engagement (2021)
Journal Article
Spence, J., Darzentas, D., Cameron, H., Huang, Y., Adams, M., Farr, J. R., Tandavanitj, N., & Benford, S. (2022). Gifting in Museums: Using Multiple Time Orientations to Heighten Present-Moment Engagement. Human-Computer Interaction, 37(2), 180-210.

HCI has recently increased its interest in the domains of museums and gifting. The former is often oriented primarily towards the past, while the latter is often oriented towards the future, in terms of anticipating the receiver’s reactions. Our arti... Read More about Gifting in Museums: Using Multiple Time Orientations to Heighten Present-Moment Engagement.

VRtefacts: Performative Substitutional Reality with Museum Objects (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Spence, J., Darzentas, D. P., Huang, Y., Cameron, H. R., Beestin, E., & Benford, S. (2020, July). VRtefacts: Performative Substitutional Reality with Museum Objects. Presented at DIS '20: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands

We explore how a combination of manipulations and transitions can extend Substitutional Reality to create a highly personal Virtual Reality experience. Our design aimed to meet two challenges faced by museums: the limitations of object handling and t... Read More about VRtefacts: Performative Substitutional Reality with Museum Objects.

Thresholds: Embedding Virtual Reality in the Museum (2020)
Journal Article
Tennent, P., Martindale, S., Benford, S., Darzentas, D., Brundell, P., & Collishaw, M. (2020). Thresholds: Embedding Virtual Reality in the Museum. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 13(2), Article 12.

We examine the experience of Thresholds, a virtual reality (VR) recreation of the world's first photographic exhibition, which has toured to multiple museums. Following the method of performance-led research in the wild, we provide an account of the... Read More about Thresholds: Embedding Virtual Reality in the Museum.

Demo hour (2019)
Journal Article
Mann, D., Benford, S., Hazzard, A., Chamberlain, A., Darzentas, D., Avila, J. P. M., Tennent, P., Marshall, J., Brundell, P., Walker, B., Benford, S., Krauss, A., Moesgen, T., & Otte, L. (2019). Demo hour. Interactions, 26(4), 8-11.

Abstract not available.

MeMa: Designing the Memory Machine (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Price, D., Jacobs, R., Darzentas, D., Perez Vallejos, E., Chadborn, N., Martindale, S., & Urquhart, L. (2019, June). MeMa: Designing the Memory Machine. Presented at DIS '19: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019, San Diego, CA, USA

The Memory Machine is an ambitious project that aims to develop a device to capture people's memories to create a blend of personal and factual data that builds identities, and contextualizes personal recollections. The Memory Machine has been guided... Read More about MeMa: Designing the Memory Machine.

Card Mapper: Enabling Data-Driven Reflections on Ideation Cards (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Darzentas, D., Velt, R., Wetzel, R., Craigon, P. J., Wagner, H. G., Urquhart, L. D., & Benford, S. (2019, May). Card Mapper: Enabling Data-Driven Reflections on Ideation Cards. Presented at CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow

We explore how usage data captured from ideation cards can enable reflection on design. We deployed a deck of ideation cards on a Masters level module over two years, developing the means to capture the students' designs into a digital repository. We... Read More about Card Mapper: Enabling Data-Driven Reflections on Ideation Cards.

The GIFT Framework: Give Visitors the Tools to Tell Their Own Stories (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Løvlie, A. S., Benford, S., Spence, J., Wray, T., Hviid Mortensen, C., Olesen, A., Rogberg, L., Bedwell, B., Darzentas, D., & Waern, A. (2019, April). The GIFT Framework: Give Visitors the Tools to Tell Their Own Stories. Presented at MW19, Boston, MA

GIFT is an ongoing EU-funded research project developing hybrid visitor experiences: mixed reality designs that complement, challenge, or overlay physical visits with digital content. Through design exploration of two concepts focusing on gifting and... Read More about The GIFT Framework: Give Visitors the Tools to Tell Their Own Stories.

Object-focused mixed reality storytelling: technology-driven content creation and dissemination for engaging user experiences (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Darzentas, D., Flintham, M., & Benford, S. (2018, November). Object-focused mixed reality storytelling: technology-driven content creation and dissemination for engaging user experiences. Presented at PCI '18: 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Athens Greece

In this paper we present the creation and deployment of a concerted set of Mixed Reality Technologies designed for creating engaging public experiences and enhanced storytelling opportunities focused on artefacts. Under the title of the Mixed Reality... Read More about Object-focused mixed reality storytelling: technology-driven content creation and dissemination for engaging user experiences.

Harnessing the digital records of everyday things (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Darzentas, D. P., Hazzard, A., Brown, M. J. I., Flintham, M., & Benford, S. (2016, June). Harnessing the digital records of everyday things. Presented at Design Research Society 2016, Brighton

We address how, framed by the Internet of Things, digitally-enabled physical objects may acquire rich digital records throughout their lifetimes, and how these might enhance their value, meaning and utility. We reflect on emerging findings from two c... Read More about Harnessing the digital records of everyday things.

Experiencing the Carolan Guitar (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Hazzard, A., Chamberlain, A., Glover, K., Greenhalgh, C., Xu, L., Hoare, M., & Darzentas, D. (2016, May). Experiencing the Carolan Guitar. Presented at CHI'16: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Jose, California, USA

Carolan is an acoustic guitar that has been decorated with interactive patterns that can be scanned using a mobile camera so as to connect to a digital record of how the instrument was made, where it has been and who has played it. Carolan was create... Read More about Experiencing the Carolan Guitar.

Accountable Artefacts: The Case of the Carolan Guitar (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Hazzard, A., Chamberlain, A., Glover, K., Greenhalgh, C., Xu, L., Hoare, M., & Darzentas, D. (2016, May). Accountable Artefacts: The Case of the Carolan Guitar. Presented at CHI'16: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Jose, California, USA

We explore how physical artefacts can be connected to digital records of where they have been, who they have encountered and what has happened to them, and how this can enhance their meaning and utility. We describe how a travelling technology probe... Read More about Accountable Artefacts: The Case of the Carolan Guitar.

Interdisciplinary Reflections on Games and Human Values (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Darzentas, D. P., & Urquhart, L. (2015, October). Interdisciplinary Reflections on Games and Human Values. Presented at CHI PLAY '15: The annual symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, London

We explore the interaction between digital games and human values. HCI as a field is increasingly focused on the importance of engaging with broader discussions around human values. Games are an ideal medium for reflecting on social, ethical and poli... Read More about Interdisciplinary Reflections on Games and Human Values.

The Data Driven Lives of Wargaming Miniatures (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Darzentas, D. P., Brown, M. A., Flintham, M., & Benford, S. (2015, April). The Data Driven Lives of Wargaming Miniatures. Presented at CHI '15: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, Republic of Korea

We present an ethnographic study of the practice of miniature wargaming in order to shed light onto the complex lives of physical things and the ways in which they acquire data footprints. We take an extended view of the practice, revealing how peopl... Read More about The Data Driven Lives of Wargaming Miniatures.