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Dr Pat Langdon's Outputs (11)

Supporting Iterative Virtual Reality Analytics Design and Evaluation by Systematic Generation of Surrogate Clustered Datasets (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tadeja, S. K., Langdon, P., & Kristensson, P. O. (2021, October). Supporting Iterative Virtual Reality Analytics Design and Evaluation by Systematic Generation of Surrogate Clustered Datasets. Presented at 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Bari, Italy

Virtual Reality (VR) is a promising technology platform for immersive visual analytics. However, the design space of VR analytics interface design is vast and difficult to explore using traditional A/B comparisons in formal or informal controlled exp... Read More about Supporting Iterative Virtual Reality Analytics Design and Evaluation by Systematic Generation of Surrogate Clustered Datasets.

6G Opportunities Arising from Internet of Things Use Cases: A Review Paper (2021)
Journal Article
Barakat, B., Taha, A., Samson, R., Steponenaite, A., Ansari, S., Langdon, P. M., Wassell, I. J., Abbasi, Q. H., Imran, M. A., & Keates, S. (2021). 6G Opportunities Arising from Internet of Things Use Cases: A Review Paper. Future Internet, 13(6), Article 159.

The race for the 6th generation of wireless networks (6G) has begun. Researchers around the world have started to explore the best solutions for the challenges that the previous generations have experienced. To provide the readers with a clear map of... Read More about 6G Opportunities Arising from Internet of Things Use Cases: A Review Paper.

OESDs in an on-road study of semi-automated vehicle to human driver handovers (2021)
Journal Article
Stanton, N. A., Brown, J. W., Revell, K. M. A., Kim, J., Richardson, J., Langdon, P., Bradley, M., Caber, N., Skrypchuk, L., & Thompson, S. (2022). OESDs in an on-road study of semi-automated vehicle to human driver handovers. Cognition, Technology and Work, 24, 317-332.

Design of appropriate interaction and human–machine interfaces for the handover of control between vehicle automation and human driver is critical to the success of automated vehicles. Problems in this interfacing between the vehicle and driver have... Read More about OESDs in an on-road study of semi-automated vehicle to human driver handovers.

Designing Interaction and Interfaces for Automated Vehicles: User-Centred Ecological Design and Testing (2021)
Stanton, N. A., Revell, K. M. A., & Langdon, P. (Eds.). (2021). Designing Interaction and Interfaces for Automated Vehicles: User-Centred Ecological Design and Testing. CRC Press.

Driving automation and autonomy are already upon us and the problems that were predicted twenty years ago are beginning to appear. These problems include shortfalls in expected benefits, equipment unreliability, driver skill fade, and error-inducing... Read More about Designing Interaction and Interfaces for Automated Vehicles: User-Centred Ecological Design and Testing.

Breaking the cycle of frustration: Applying Neisser's Perceptual Cycle Model to drivers of semi-autonomous vehicles (2020)
Journal Article
Revell, K. M., Richardson, J., Langdon, P., Bradley, M., Politis, I., Thompson, S., Skrypchuck, L., O'Donoghue, J., Mouzakitis, A., & Stanton, N. A. (2020). Breaking the cycle of frustration: Applying Neisser's Perceptual Cycle Model to drivers of semi-autonomous vehicles. Applied Ergonomics, 85, Article 103037.

Semi-autonomous cars are already on the road and highly autonomous cars will soon be with us. Little is understood about how drivers will adapt to the changing relationship with their vehicle, but to ensure safety and consumer acceptance, this insigh... Read More about Breaking the cycle of frustration: Applying Neisser's Perceptual Cycle Model to drivers of semi-autonomous vehicles.

Unconstrained design: improving multitasking with in-vehicle information systems through enhanced situation awareness (2019)
Journal Article
Skrypchuk, L., Langdon, P., Sawyer, B. D., & Clarkson, P. J. (2020). Unconstrained design: improving multitasking with in-vehicle information systems through enhanced situation awareness. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 21(2), 183-219.

In the age of information, in-vehicle multitasking is inevitable. The popularity of the automobile, in combination with the present information age, create a growing demand to do more in-vehicle than simply focus on the road. Unconstrained Design, a... Read More about Unconstrained design: improving multitasking with in-vehicle information systems through enhanced situation awareness.

Enabling multitasking by designing for situation awareness within the vehicle environment (2018)
Journal Article
Skrypchuk, L., Langdon, P., Sawyer, B. D., Mouzakitis, A., & Clarkson, P. J. (2019). Enabling multitasking by designing for situation awareness within the vehicle environment. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 20(2), 105-128.

In the driving environment, competition exists between Driving Related Activities (DRAs) and Non-Driving Related Activities (NDRAs). This is a source of inattention and human error. Continual proliferation of in-vehicle information systems (IVIS) pre... Read More about Enabling multitasking by designing for situation awareness within the vehicle environment.

In with the new? Generational differences shape population technology adoption patterns in the age of self-driving vehicles (2018)
Journal Article
Ruggeri, K., Kácha, O., Menezes, I. G., Kos, M., Franklin, M., Parma, L., Langdon, P., Matthews, B., & Miles, J. (2018). In with the new? Generational differences shape population technology adoption patterns in the age of self-driving vehicles. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 50, 39-44.

With rapid growth of self-driving vehicle technologies, policymakers and industry are actively engaging the public to understand attitudes toward smart mobility. As public officials explore implementing connected systems, they may find diverse reacti... Read More about In with the new? Generational differences shape population technology adoption patterns in the age of self-driving vehicles.

Intelligent Interactive Displays in Vehicles with Intent Prediction: A Bayesian framework (2017)
Journal Article
Ahmad, B. I., Murphy, J. K., Godsill, S., Langdon, P. M., & Hardy, R. (2017). Intelligent Interactive Displays in Vehicles with Intent Prediction: A Bayesian framework. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 34(2), 82-94.

Using an in-vehicle interactive display, such as a touch screen, typically entails undertaking a freehand pointing gesture and dedicating a considerable amount of attention, that can be otherwise available for driving, with potential safety implicati... Read More about Intelligent Interactive Displays in Vehicles with Intent Prediction: A Bayesian framework.

Intent Inference for Hand Pointing Gesture-Based Interactions in Vehicles (2015)
Journal Article
Ahmad, B. I., Murphy, J. K., Langdon, P. M., Godsill, S. J., Hardy, R., & Skrypchuk, L. (2016). Intent Inference for Hand Pointing Gesture-Based Interactions in Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46(4), 878-889.

Using interactive displays, such as a touchscreen, in vehicles typically requires dedicating a considerable amount of visual as well as cognitive capacity and undertaking a hand pointing gesture to select the intended item on the interface. This can... Read More about Intent Inference for Hand Pointing Gesture-Based Interactions in Vehicles.

A framework for collecting inclusive design data for the UK population (2013)
Journal Article
Langdon, P., Johnson, D., Huppert, F., & Clarkson, P. J. (2015). A framework for collecting inclusive design data for the UK population. Applied Ergonomics, 46, 318-324.

Successful inclusive product design requires knowledge about the capabilities, needs and aspirations of potential users and should cater for the different scenarios in which people will use products, systems and services. This should include: the ind... Read More about A framework for collecting inclusive design data for the UK population.